I got a suggestion from a watcher to do headcanon notes on Trixie, so here it is! I also worked really hard on the drawing for this today because I got an anonymous suggestion to try more complex poses, so I hope you guys like it
Trixie was born to her two fathers, Jackpot and Big Bucks, through a mare named Spectacle that both had met through a surrogate program which assisted in having their own child. During labor, Spectacle passed away due to extreme blood loss. Trixie’s dads made sure to take care of everything, including hospital bills and funeral details. Even in such sad times, Jackpot and Big Bucks couldn’t help but feel so grateful that they finally had the chance to start a family of their own.
Growing up with two well-known magicians in one house, Trixie couldn’t help but be starstruck by her fathers. She wanted to be just like them, especially when it came to Papa Jackpot and his spectacular magical feats. Knowing his daughter’s interest in magic for performance, Jackpot enrolled Trixie in lessons and expected her to be just like him. Unfortunately, she couldn’t manage to get the hang of anything besides very simple spells. Even basic levitation seemed to be a struggle, and Trixie’s tutor explained to Jackpot that his daughter might never learn how to properly harness and control magic.
Trixie was heartbroken when she overheard her dads talking about her lack of magical ability and decided to dedicate herself to practicing spells day and night. Even after years of working as hard as she could, it seemed that she was a unicorn with little to no magic. An outcast of her race. Her father, Big Bucks, tried to explain that she could manage without powers, just like he could. But already having grown bitter at such a young age, Trixie screamed at her dad, demanding how he could ever understand how she might feel when he would never be powerful as an earth pony. She tore a rift between Big Bucks and herself that day, and has struggled to find the words to make up for what she has said since.
Even without proper magic, Trixie was determined to become a grand magician like her parents. She was a long-term “blank flank”, but refused to try anything that wasn’t involved in performing. If it wasn’t in the career she wanted, she didn’t want a cutie mark at all. Fortunately, she got what she wanted. After what seemed like forever to the young mare, Trixie was able to set off a round of dazzling fireworks during the finale of her otherwise “basic” magic show and awed her crowd.
Even though Trixie might not know it, her cutie mark represents her talents with what some would call “non-unicorn magic”. Between her presence and her ability to entertain ponies, especially foals, Trixie is a talented stage performer. Her magic, even though not at the level of the average unicorn, is based in illusion and explains her skill with fireworks, basic levitation, and some low-level transfiguration.
Trixie enjoys traveling for her shows instead of staying in one place, like her dads. When Jackpot and Big Bucks asked her to stay in Las Pegasus, even suggesting she could join their show, she quickly refused and insisted that she needed to make a name for herself instead of hanging onto her parent’s capes like a child. And ever since, Trixie has kept her belongings to a minimum and traveled with her well-known caravan.
After using the Alicorn Amulet, Trixie suffered from magic withdrawals and residual corruption from the enchanted item. Even though the amulet is now hidden by Zecora, Trixie still feels an attachment to it and craves the power that it gave her.
Once Trixie became friends with Starlight, she seemed to improve a bit with her magic. She enjoys her best friend as a tutor and has gotten better with her stage magic like transfiguration, making closed areas expand (to pull infinite items out of a hat), and nonlethal explosions like fireworks and smoke bombs.
Even though Trixie has a stage presence that can rival most, she is still particularly clumsy, especially when making an escape. Most ponies have seen it at least once, with the magician setting off a smoke bomb and trying to run away or attempting to escape from a staged situation. Even when she’s not performing, Trix tends to stumble and trip over her fetlocks, cape, and hooves, but just flips her hair out of her face and pretend she meant to do it.
After helping Starlight save the Mane 6 (and all of Equestria, she will add), Trixie built up the courage to visit her parents in Las Pegasus and finally make up for the things she had said to Big Bucks. Her fathers welcomed her with open arms and made her promise to visit them more often.
If you guys have any other characters you want me to draw and write headcanon notes for, feel free to let me know! I love making these for y'all ~