"This is a great idea Sweetie Belle!" Exclaimed Applebloom. "And these here outfits Rarity made fer us are just what we need ta git our business started! We'll git some business fer sure now!"
Scootaloo trudged alongside the other two fillies dragging a broom along the ground. She looked down at her outfit she and sighed. "I don't see what you two are all excited about? This is just like doing chores."
"Of course." Said Sweetie Belle as she merrily swung their cleaning bucket. "But these are chores that we're going to get paid for! Just think of all the stuff we'll be able to buy with the bits we're going to earn!"
Just an odd image that popped into my head a couple of days ago. So I got it down on paper.
I hope you like what you see. Please help make more art like this possible by supporting me at Patreon
Upvotes at import: 236 | Stars at import: 155 Posted previously at: 2019-10-03T19:26:22 | Posted previously by: dontebell
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