Oh wow. It's been so many years. I still remember it like it was yesterday, ponies inspiring me to start drawing, me starting to grow as an artist. My roots lie in safe and cute art. I may draw a lot of dirty stuff, but where it all started, this is what really drives me, what makes me feel great. This is a very simple, quick drawing, but it makes me feel a lot better than anything I'd spend 20+ hours drawing. So here you go. This comes right from my heart.
I tried my best following the "Draw a character/characters reaching their dreams" prompt of the art event, but it turned out to be more of a sappy "thank you" message instead. Oh well! It was actually meant to portray Twilight achieving her dream of true friendship, harmony and magic. Unicorn Twi with wings drawn over her, it's still the same old lil' Twi under all the alicorn stuff, dreaming of learning as much as she can about friendship, overcoming the hardships along her way, together, with friends.
Who you are, your essence, never changes.
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