The quirky sister of Saturnalia, Bacchanalia was once a poor pedlar earning her living filching food off wealthier ponies, rarely being caught due to her thestral lineage. Unfortunately, one day her luck ran short and she stole form the wrong pony. A slaver, as it turns out, had stopped by to make trades and resupply when he found her half-buried in a sack of grains twice as large as she was long. At first, it seemed like her troubles were solved, as the fat stallion smiled down at her. She thought wrong. The time spent from that point up until when she broke her chains and lead her fellow slaves to liberation doesn't need to be told here, but when she returned to her sister she was not the same little filly who got stuck in a sack of grains to feed her family. No, now she had an epiphany, a new hedonistic world-view that was at once selfish but generous. Selfishly-generous. She came to the realziation that theys hould live every day as if it was their last, because everyhting could be taken from them in just a heartbeat. She spread this philosophy amongst her fellow mares (Which in turn reached stallion ears eventually) and gave rise to the Cult of Bacchus, a festival celebrating freedom and freedom of expression in massive drunken orgies. Occassionally Bacchanalia would put off the festivities to attend her sister's feasts and tell stories from her past, but it was all in good fun in the end ~
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