And here she is, the ultimate fusion before us. The Queen mother herself Galaxia. The combination of all 4 alicorn princesses into one thicc, stong, powerful all knowing pair of flanks. For she is known as the "best flanks in the land" for a reason. She is also extremely loving for a mare her size, boasting a family of a young adopted human foal as well as a hunk of a husband to care and love. These other aspects of her life however do not impede her from fulfilling her royal duties as well as her ability for self improvement. Though when the day is done or if she is ever off duty and relaxing with her family, she goes from Queen Galaxia to Momma Galaxia, easily becoming the most cuddly loving and caring mare in the land. She even engages in more traditional means of affection that for her foal. One thing however…..Do NOT dare to mess with, harm or hurt her family or ESPECIALLY her foal. Lest the perpetrator is willing to deal with mommainstincts.exe times 4.
All praise the best flanks in the land!!
Done by the awesome Rainbowdash