Nickname(s): Autumn, Breezie (by his brother)
Parents: Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash
Siblings: Arson Blaze Apple
Close Friends: TBA
Species: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Cutiemark: A maple leaf
Special talent: Flying fast to shake the autumn leaves off the trees, flying at fast speeds
Occupation: In the Fall, he is hired by the ponies in charge of Ponyville charge to fly all around the woods to shake off the leaves. He also works as a part time racer and explorer.
Personality: He is adventurous and brave, but really reckless. He is very risk prone and impatient. He is very energetic.
Autumn Breeze is an adventurous, outgoing stallion. He loves exploring dangerous ravines and places all around Ponyville, flying at high speeds. He's rather reckless and has gotten numerous injuries from his exploits. His special talent is flying at high speeds, blowing the leaves off of trees with the strong wind he creates during the autumn. He has a very important role during the The Running of the Leaves, preparing the trees for the change of the season. Autumn Breeze is a trans man. He has gone through a tough time during his teenage hood, feeling extreme physical and social gender dysphoria. He had become suicidal, and if it wasn't for his brother, he wouldn't still be here. He came out as a stallion to his family, and they were very supportive, and got him the help he needed immediately. Since then he has fully transitioned to be physically male, and is very happy.
Fun Facts:
1. The notch in his nose in from the same accident that left Arson Blaze flightless.
2. Unlike some other trans people, he still goes by his birth name. He really like Autumn Breeze, and honestly doesn't mind being called anything as long as it's not Breezie.
When he and his older brother Arson Blaze were still kids Autumn dared Arson to race him in the ravines near by. Applejack had warned them that it would be very dangerous and forbid them to go, but the didn't listen. There was a particularly strong wind that day. Autumn lost control whilst flying, and bumped int o Arson. His brother got knocked into the ravine, paralysing his wing forever. He didn't believe that the accident was his fault, as he thinks the wind knocked them both and Arson got thrown into the mountain. His brother hated him for months after the accident, even threatening to break Autumn's wings as retribution. Eventually, Arson and Autumn made up, admitting that he should've been more careful and that he's sorry, and Arson said that they were both being reckless and no one was to blame. The two got very close to each other, as they were both being bullied in their teenage years, Arson for his disability and Autumn for being a trans guy. They stuck up for each other, and got into fights more often than not. That wasn't particularly surprising, considering Autumn's reckless nature and Arson's special talent in combat. They were always there for each other, in one particular instance when Arson had to talk Autumn out of committing suicide. They often joke around with each other, and Arson refuses to call Autumn anything other than Breezie, much to his brother's protest.
Autumn Breeze doesn't have the best relationship with his mother Applejack. He loves her, and she loves him, but she can't help but blame him for the accident that cost Arson his wings. She once had an argument with him, and angrily exclaimed that "If it wasn't for you your brother would still be able to fly!". She despises his recklessness, and to this day gets nervous when he goes out adventuring. Applejack can't really catch a break, with her oldest son working as a ring fighter, her youngest risky his life at high speeds at least four times a day, and her wife fighting in the war against the Kingdom of Wysteria (the Wonderbolts serve as a sort of Airforce in my au). Applejack gets very nervous about her family, and often gets very cranky when Autumn goes to do something dangerous.
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