I ordered a brand new Intuos4 Medium tablet! Wooo!
It will be arriving in about 2-3 days now and I am very excited to see how it works.
Such a big upgrade will be well worth it, upgrading from a 5"x3.6" active area to a 8.8"x5.5" active area
It sounded still pretty small at first but in anticipation I even drew it out on a paper to compare it with my current tablet and WOW it's big.
So goodbye crappy CTE-440 tablet meant for small photo edits back in 2008, and HELLOOO professional drawing tablet!
Also, had fun with this doodle here, if you haven't noticed I've taken up doing greyscale stuff to get a better grip on shading and values. It's actually a lot of fun and makes it easier to focus on what I need to improve.
Edit: Fixed some stuff that was bugging me, cleaned it up a little.
Published: June 6, 2012
Upvotes at import: 22 | Stars at import: 10 Posted previously at: 2019-11-26T12:25:08
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