Imagine having to marry a person you hate. A person who is selfish. A person who will save your reputation and fame. That's Rarity's life. She didn't wanted to marry Blueblood, but she will do everything to save her fame. After all the Rainbow Factory accident, she left Ponyville as fast as she could. For some time, she was livilg with Sassy, and the rumors started to spread that they are togehter… Which was halfly true. Rarity and Sassy had this weird relationship. Rarity just to kill the rumors, married Blue Blood. She hasn't been the same since she left Sassy. Fake smiling, not eating, presuring herself to do what she loved. They had a daughter year after marriage. Silk Touch knows what is going on, and she tries to convince her daughter to leave Blue and go find Sassy.
UwU Applejack next!
bases by SelenaEde
Upvotes at import: 12 | Stars at import: 9 Posted previously at: 2019-12-01T21:30:54
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