First, this is obviously inspired by sleepwalks' works. She does an awesome job on hers, so you should go check those out.
Second, I'm excited for the season finale and don't really give a rat's butt what other people think about it. The writers for this show have kept me entertained for 2 years now, and I've learned to trust them.
Anyway, I've been busy the past couple weeks, this past week especially, and while procrastinating one day, I ran into a tutorial on making Washi Tape in illustrator. (I didn't know what it was before I saw the tut, so if you don't either, here's a small description [link]) When I saw that, I thought of those paper vectors I'd seen and thought up the idea of Hasbro having taped wings onto paper Twi.
I really wanted to do this before the finale, so I've been working on this the past day and a half. It's not perfect, but I feel it's good enough (and first time texturing a vector, yay). Corny line with feels added just because.
Back to school for me, see ya!
The .ai file is 125 MB, so I don't really feel like posting it unless someone wants it and asks.