- Twilight became trans shortly before moved to ponyville
- Pinkie moved to ponyville with Mr. and Mrs. Cake when she was a young teenager
- Twilight doesn't feel like he deserves such a loving wife, hence the reason he's tearing up in the picture above. This is because he's always busy with some new royal duty or confrontation with the school of friendship.
- The broken heart birthmark on Pinkie's chest represents her depression she gained as an older filly (it was originally a full heart). Whenever Twilight asks of it, Pinkie always says its simply just a birthmark.
- They're married shortly before the time where season 8 takes place, and are married for 5 years, until they have their first of three children, Sunset.
- All royal wives and husbands, including Shining Armor, must wear matching jewelry to match the king or queen they are married to. (Example: Pinkie wearing matching jewelry to Twilight's in the picture above.
- Thanks to Celestia, Pinkie doesn't start aging till Twilight steps down as King and protector of friendship. Unfortunately, Celestia loses her immortality after Twilight and Pinkie's daughter, Sunset steps up as the queen of light and sun, so the spell doesn't work anymore, an Pinkie dies of old age 40 years after Sunset becomes queen.