Artist's description from DA:The spunky pegasus filly from the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Now, remember this headcanon idea of mine was devised long before the CMC actually got their cutie marks.
Scoots was only about thirteen when the First Great War began, and was devastated and terrified when Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, both of which had become mentors and sort of adoptive sisters to her, were drafted and shipped far far away. Being an orphan (her parents gave her up because they couldn't support a foal on their current income) she felt even more alone than ever now that what little that resembled a family that wasn't the CMC was gone. Her best friends in the world understood her pain though. With both Big Macintosh, Applejack, and Rarity gone as well the three were left to stay living in Sweet Apple Acres with Granny Smith. It was horrible for the remaining residents of Ponyville, especially because the town wasn't safely nestled in the heart of Equestria, far far from its coasts and borders. Bomb threats where frequent and troops would travel around and through town a fairly normal basis.
But as scary as it was Scoots did her best to brave. "What would Rainbow Dash do?" She often asked herself when she tasked with filling the skies with storm clouds or if she found a wounded soldier on the outskirts of town. Scoots was also assigned jobs on the farm by Granny. Sweet Apple Acres became the primary food supply for Ponyville and two or three towns nearby. The girls worked their hardest to keep their fellow townspeople fed. With so many school cancellations the CMC decided to hold a tutoring program for the younger kids when there were weeks without school. Ms. Cheerilee helped as much as she could from time to time.
Over time Scootaloo grew into a tall and lean young mare who was as brave as she was fast. She wasn't against going out of her way to beat up any enemy soldier that came into town. In fact she made it a bit of a bad habit after the Bombing of Las Pegasus. Its not shown in this picture but she has a scar on her right shoulder from a particularly nasty fight she started with a Griffon Lieutenant. She also learned how to speak and read morse code and how to shoot a pistol.
Her cutie mark is something she got a year before the war broke out. It's a red skateboard with wings. For her twelfth birthday Fluttershy gave her a long board. She then proceeded to spend every free moment she had creating and perfecting new tricks. She got her cutie mark when she found she do some sick flips and other moves if she used her wings to give her more lift (she does learn how to fly).