Artist's description from DA:Spikey-Wikey isn't so little any more. He also put up the biggest fight when it came to the war. He wanted to enlist and fight since but he was only 15 at the time and Twilight refused, grounding him and keeping him safely captive in Ponyville. He grumpily pouted it out while maintaining Golden Oaks Library.
Spike spent whatever time he wasn't using spending helping out at Sweet Apple Acres studying dragon magic and war tactics. If he was being forced to wait until the draft took him, he was at least going to be ready.
He quickly built up muscle and gained quite a bit of height. His control over his fire and its powers grew much stronger. He could torch a whole apple tree if he so desired. note My version of spike does not have wings. WHY NOT??? you ask. Well well, when Twilight hatched him he did have wings, itty bitty baby wings, but when newborn spike was evaluated by a vet before Twilight could take him home they found that his wings were deformed and would grow in a manner that would cause him a lot of pain in the future. So they amputated them. He has small scars on his shoulder blades where they used to be.
Anyway by the time his eighteenth birthday rolled around the draft had been redacted and he was pissed. However his anger quickly faded when he saw Sweetie Belle cry for the first time in a LONG time when he said he would have rather been sent out to die fighting than stuck in Ponyville. Spike took a good hard look at his fellow townsfolk and his best friends only to come to the decision not to enlist.
Why wasn't Spike by Twilight's side in Canterlot while all the fightin' went down? Because she thought he would be safer away from the big city and it made her friends feel like their families were safer if a growing, patriotic dragon was staying in town.