Fancy Pants and Fleur have a younger daughter, but she's usually excluded from family happenings.
That daughter is Mademoiselle D'Hiver. Here are Eve's stuffy siblings!
Duchess Lavande
Dutchie, Femme, Royal Pain [Red Baroness]
Parents: Fancy Pants, Fleur De Lys
Voice: Sounds like Coeur De Pirate
Talents: Goldsmith, charming host, queen of manipulation
"Ah bonjour! How are you?
My name is Duchess Lavande and welcome to my home.
Mother and Father are in attendance at The Royal Garden Party and I intend to make an appearance myself.
Come in, however. I can answer your question as I change" [winks]
Baton Rouge
Rouge, Scrouge, Nugget
Parents: Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lys
Voice: Proper, composed with a distinct French accent.
Talents: Prench Language Professor, an avid historian
"Why hello my dear!
Are you here to sign up for Prench club or tutoring sessions?
A little bit of both? Formidable! Come have a seat. I'll make tea and we can go over the homwork.
I'm so ecstatic to share more of my knowledge with you! Prench is a dying language that deserves to live on!"
Fille Cherise
Cherry, Harlot
Parents: Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lys
Voice: Sultry and soft
Talents: Marriage counselor, serial adulterer
"Do I believe in love?
No. But my goal with clients isn't to force my beliefs. All I want is to help those in need.
If they're happy then I have a purpose. I know it's rather gauche. I like to mend something I don't believe in."