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(Both Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms, minus Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, are watching the CMC prefect their ninja moves with their weapons)

Michelangelo: Wow, look at them go!

Sunset Shimmer: They’re really showing signs of improvement.

Karai: I agree.

Mikey: Yep, those three are real ninja material!

Raphael: Are yuh kiddin'? Deir just kids.

Splinter: And yet they are twice the age you were when you started, Raphael. And already, they have learned much.

Raph: Their startin' out in in their early teens. We started when we were like 6 or 7.

Rainbow Dash: But they actually fought off some giant mutant ant drones. Before they even had training. I doubt you've ever done that.

Raphael: No. But I've fought aliens, ancient evils, mutant monsters, and a few street thugs, what have they got that doan?

Donatello: Actual coordination and team work.

Michelangelo: Personalities that aren't like sand paper.

Casey: Ooooooh.

Mikey: Oh burn.

Raphael: But deir still just kids! They ain't ninja material!

(The CMC suddenly stop)

Pinkie Pie: (whispers loudly) Raphael, they can hear you.

Scootaloo: What do you mean we're not ninja material?!

Raphael: What I mean is yuh three are too little and scrawny tuh ninjas!

Scootaloo: We're not that little!

Applebloom: And we're not that scrawny, neither!

Sweetiebelle: Just cause we're kids doesn't mean we're helpless!

Raphael: Ackshully, it does.

Scootaloo: I dare you to say that to my face!

Raphael: Oh, yeah? If yuh dree fought Shredduh as yuh are now, yuh woun't be standin' right now.

April: That's enough, Raphael!

Raphael: And yuh were benched da minute you guys got here.

Applebloom: We beat that Hun guy!

Scootaloo: While you got pounded by him!

Raphael: Yuh drove our truck intah him. Dat don't count.

Mikey: Hey! They were helping us! And those three are tougher than they look!

Raphael: (scoffs) Comin' from you, Mikey, dat only proves mah point even more!

Leonardo: Alright, ease up, Raph! Their only trainees after all.

Raphael: Look! All I'm sayin' is dat dese girls woun't even come close tuh winnin' a real fight!

(CMC glare daggers at him, but then they smile mischievously)

Apple Bloom: (slyly) Oh, really now?

Sweetie Belle: Think we can't win an actual fight, huh?

Scootaloo: Then why don't we find out, shall we?

Raphael: Just what are yuh little midgits tawhkin' about?

CMC: (all point at him) WE CHALLENGE YOU TO A FIGHT!

(The Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms gasp at what they said.)

Applejack and Rarity: WHAT?

(Raphael on the other hand, only laughs)

Raphael: Your jokin', right?

(The CMC glare in response)

Donatello: I think they're serious, Raph!

Michelangelo: Real serious!

CMC: That's right!

Sunset Shimmer: Are you three serious?!

Applebloom: We never been more serious, Sunset Shimmer!

April: Now now! Let’s be reasonable.

Leo: We admire the way you three are standing up for yourselves, but I think your getting in over your heads!

Splinter: Actually… I think it is a good idea.

Turtles and Rainbooms: What!

Leonardo: Master Splinter, are you sure?

Splinter: This would be the perfect opportunity for the young ones to put what they have learned to the test.

Raphael: Come on, Mastuh Splintuh! Dey won't stand a chance against me!

Splinter: It would be unwise to underestimate one's abilities, Raphael. Which I know you have done more then once.

Raphael: Fine! I accept deir challenge! But I still say dey woan stand a chance!

Splinter: Now, the both of you may have three hours to prepare.

Sweetie Belle: Master Splinter? Is it okay if we train in the woods? Leo said that a ninja must stay in tune to nature.

Splinter: You may. But do not go far.

Applejack: You three sure you wanna do this?

Apple Bloom: This is our chance to prove ourselves.

Sweetie Belle: And prove that big jerk wrong!

Scootaloo: And to progress in our training.

Rarity: I think you should at least let help you-


Sweetie Belle: Then Raphael will be convinced that we couldn't do it!

Scootaloo: And we want to prove we did it on our own.

Apple Bloom: And without any help from you.

Applejack: Now look here, Apple Bloom-

(Applejack is stopped by Master Splinter holding up his walking stick)

Master Splinter: The young ones wish to train alone! And you will allow them to do so.

Applejack: But Master Splinter, you can't expect us to just sit back and let Raphael hurt our sisters.

Splinter: You will do just that. Your sisters were the ones to challenge my son to this fight, and you will respect their desire to do so alone.

Rarity: But Mater Splinter, my poor Sweetie Bell is no were near as well trained as us, or him, she doesn't stand a chance.

Splinter: You underestimate your sister's skill, though I do understand the love one has for their younger sibling, you must not let it cloud you judgment.

(The three think about it)

Applejack: Alright, girls. If you wanna do this then we won't stop you.

Rairty: We won't waste your potential. Just promise us you'll be careful.

CMC: We will!

(They head off)

Michelangelo: If it's any consolation, I think they can do it.

Mikey: Me too, they got mad skills.

Applejack: Thanks… Mikeys

(After they all leave, Splinter motions Leo, Karai, and Princess Twilight to into the woods)

Princess Twilight: Where are we going?

Spinter: To find the girls.

Leo: But they told us that they don't want our help.

Splinter: No, they said they don't want their "sisters" help, they said nothing about everyone else.

Leo: So we're helping them.

Splinter: I did not say that, we will simply observe their progress and make sure they understand what they are getting themselves into.

Karai: Agreed, it's better they learn to figure this out on their own.

(they find them in a clearing then hide in the bushes, watching them, the CMC we doing well with their practices)

(The CMC sing Hearts Strong as Horses)

Apple Bloom: Alright, girls! I think we're ready to take on Raphael!

Sweetie Bell: But the problem is actually beating him. He's a lot stronger then us and he's had years more training then us.

Scootaloo: We'll just all jump kick him at once, that'll get him.

Sweetie Bell: Scoot, he too a punch from that Hun guy and just got back up slightly dazed and more angry!

Scootaloo: And he still got beat to a pulp!

Sweetie Belle: That's because Hun was bigger and stronger than him! And Raphael was right, we only beat Hun by running him over.

Scootaloo: (sighs) Your right, unless we can get super strength like Applejack, we're a bust!

Apple Bloom: Maybe we don't have to out match him, maybe we just need to out maneuver and out smart him, you know, us his anger against him like Michelangelo did in the Battle Nexus.

Scootaloo: How?

Apple Bloom: Well, if he gets so angry, he won't be focused on where he is or anything but us, so if we like, you know, lure him into like a trap or something, we can beat him.

Sweetie Bell: Are we allowed to do that?

Scootaloo: No one ever said we couldn't, and it's the best chance we got to teach that hothead a lesson! But what do we do though.

(They all think for a moment)

Apple Bloom: (snaps her fingers) I got it, you two find a tree with a long branch and lots of leaves, and I'll get one of Applejack's lassos.

(They branch off to set up their plan)

Splinter: (looks to the other 3) You see, they didn't need our help at all.

Princess Twilight: But will they be able to pull it off?

Karai: They will, once they know what to do, those kid are capable of anything.

(Soon the four face each other in the same clearling)

Raphael: Last chance tah back down?

Apple Bloom: Funny?

Sweetie Belle: We were about to ask you the same thing!

Scootaloo: Hot Head!

Raphael: (chuckles) Real cute. Yuh kids are gonna be sorry yah challenge me!

Scootaloo: Speak for yourself!

(They all begin to circle each other for a moment, before Raphael leaps at them and they dodge and disappear from sight)

Raphael: Hmm? Hrrr! (Suddenly, the CMC each strike him from all directions)

Apple Bloom: Ha!

Sweetie Belle: Ho!

Scootaloo: Hee!

CMC: (all kick him back) Yah!

Raphael: Okay, I'll admit, your good! (Sweetie Belle runs up behind him, but he elbows her and throws her over his shoulder, then he split kicks Apple Bloom and Scootaloo) But I'm bettuh!

(Raphael continues to throw the CMC around, but they keep coming back)

Mikey: (to himself) C’mon, girls.

(Watches as Raphael just kicks Scootaloo from behind)

Leo: Mikey? What possessed you to give those three weapons and the idea they could be ninjas?

Mikey: I don’t know. Just had a feeling they could really be good. Besides, you saw how good the other students were when Splinter gave them weapons at camp everfree.

Leo: (sighs) I promised I’d listen to you more, Mikey. I just hope you’re right this time as well.

Mikey: (to himself in worry) I hope so too.

(Raphael throws Apple Bloom into her friends then leaps up and knocks them all down in one kick)

Raphael: (dusts off his hands) Well, I'd say dis fight is pretty much ovuh! (Walks over to the girls and bends down over them) Like I said, yuh three are just kids! Yah ain't no ninja-

(The CMC throw a smoke bomb in his face, making him back away)

Raphael: (coughs) What da shell?!

CMC: (they come leaping in) Booyahkasha! (And they nail him with a three way flying kick, with enough force to knock him down)

Apple Bloom: One thing you ottah know about us, Rapheal…

Sweetie Belle: Is that we never!

Scootaloo: Give up!

Raphael: (gets up) Wait a minute? Where yuh dree playin' possum?!

Apple Bloom: As my brother Big Mac would say, Eeyup.

Sweetie Belle: And you totally fell for it!

Scootaloo: Like the mussel-brained Bonehead you are!

Michelangelo: (laughs) Ain't that the truth!

Raphael: I’ll show ya bonehead!

(Raphael charges at them and they scatter. He runs at Applebloom only for her to jump out of the way and he crashes in a tree.)

Applebloom: (hopping) Come and get me!

Raphael: Don't tempt me, kid!

Applebloom: (hopping) Come and get me!

Raphael: Fine! Since you’re in such a big hurry to get clobbered!

(Raphael lunges at her only she dodges and trips him and he slides up to Scootaloo)

Scootaloo: You call that an attack? Even our Raph has style in his!

Raph: Ouch.

Raphael: Grr! (Tries to grab her but she flips out of his reach, and he's left open for Sweetie Belle to spin kick him in the gut)

(Raphael goes after her, but Sweetie Belle runs up a tree and jumps on his shoulders)

Sweetie Belle: (tauntingly) Piggyback!

Raphael: Not today!

(Before he could grab her, Sweetie Belle quickly stands up and jumps off)

Sweetie Belle: Your Mikey was right, you are a tini bit too slow!

Raphael: Shut It! (Swings at her, but she keeps dodging)

Sweetie Belle: Why? Are we bothering you? (She flips over him, smacking the back of his head)

Apple Bloom: Annoyin' you? (Ducks a punch and stomps on his foot)

Raphael: Yeowch! (Scootaloo jumps onto his shell and pulls his mask over his eyes)

Scootaloo: Embarrassing you? (Flips off before he can grab her and kicks him foward, making him stumble and fall on his hands and knees. He straightens his mask just in time to see the CMC collectively blow a raspberry in his face)

(Raphael growls and tries to attack them, but they keep dodging and evading his punches and kicks, getting him angerier, but also causing him to waste his strength.)

Raphael: Will! You! Knock! It! Off! And hold! Still!

Scootaloo: And why would we do that? (Throws a smoke bomb in his face)

Raphael: (coughes) Again with da smike bombs?!

(Scootaloo leaps up and punches him across the face. Then Apple Bloom hits him the side with a drop kick. And Sweetie Belle sweep kicks his legs, dropping him on his shell. Then they all jump up and bounce off his chest)

Raphael: Argh!

Scootaloo: What's the matter, Raphael? Too tired to fight back?!

Raphael: (getting up, panting) Don… push… it!

Sweetie Belle: (as they backup toward a tree) You know, Raphael, if we didn't know better…

Apple Bloom: We'd think that, just maybe, you really are afriad that we might actually…

(A split screen shot of their mouths)

CMC: Beat you!

(Raphael charges at them, growling in rage)

(Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow gasp in horror)

(But at the last second, in slow motion, the CMC dodge his fist. Then Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo sweep his legs, tripping him forward. Then Apple Bloom drops on her back and uses her arms and legs and his momentum to toss him into the tree)

Raphael: (get's up) Alright! Now yuh kids got me mad!

Apple Bloom: Actually, we just got you! (She kicks a twig loose)

(There's a snap, then Applejack's lasso tightens around Raphael's left ankle and yanks him off the ground)

(The CMC walk up to him, grinning)

CMC: Nighty night! (All three of them punch him in the face, leaving him dazed)

Raphael: Aww…

Splinter: The match is over.

Raphael: WHAT?! You mean I lost?!

Apple Bloom: Yes!

Sweetie Belle: Yes you did!

Scootaloo: Hot head!

(The Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms stare in shock, before they, minus the still surpised Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, all laugh hysterically)

Jones: I can't believe yuh let dose little tieks trap yuh, Raph!

Splinter: I believe it.

Raphael: Please tell me dis did not just happen'!

Donnie: Sorry, Raphael. It just did.

Donatello: I never thought the day would come!

Raphael: Yeah, well, joke's on yuh dree, cause I was holdin' back!

Sweetie Belle: And we used that to our advantage.

Apple Bloom: And gettin' you to waste your strength also helped.

Applejack: Is that my rope? You know, you could have just-

Apple Bloom: Asked for help when we said we don't want it, besids, it not like you leave it in a hard to reach place.

Rainbow Dash: That, was, AWSOME, Scoot! You actually when total ninja on him!

Scootaloo: Thanks, Rainow (they hi five)

Rarity: OH SWEETIE BELL, I WAS SO WORRYED! (Hungs her too tight)

Sweetie Bell: Ow OW Rarity, your squeezing where he elbowed me!

Mikey: Told you girls they could do it.

Leo: Then why were you worried?

Mikey: Uh… I don't know what your talking about, bro?

Splinter: Well done young ones. You used skill, cunning, enginenuaty and knowledge of your environment to your advantage in taking down a larger, stronger, more skilled opponent.

CMCs: Thank you, Sensei. (Bow)

Rarity: We’re all very proud of you three. While we were worried, you proved yourselves well.

Applejack: But try not to make a habbit out of it again!

Rainbow Dash: At least until you progress on your training.

CMC: Okay…

Apple Bloom: As long as Raphael promises never to belittle us again!

Raphael: Fine! Now can someone cut me down from here? I tink the blood's goin' to my head.

(Twilight holds him with her magic, while Sunset and Karai untie the rope, then Twilight lowers him to the ground)

Splinter: So? I trust you have learnt your lesson, my son?

Raph: Alright, maybe dese kids do know a ting or two about bein' ninjas… and maybe I was bein' a jerk.

Donnie: Well, there's the understatment of the week. (Raphael growls, Donnie half hids his head in his shell)

Splinter: I will have a finel word with my son in privet, but when we're done, he will apologize for how he has mistreated you, young ones.

Rainbow Dash: Why not now?

Scootaloo: Relax, Rainbow, he just needs a moment.

Princess Twilight: Has anyone seen Leonardo?

Donatello: He's in the barn.

Raphael: Yeah. He's probably still mopin' about how we got our shells kicked by your Purple Dragons and Hun.

Rainbow Dash: Seriously?

Raph: He's been doing that ever since we got here!

Splinter: Leonardo has suffered injuries both physical and spiritual. And will need the support of all of us if his wounds are to fully heal.

(Leonardo is sitting around, looking at his shattered sword pieces)

Raph: Hey, Leo?

Rainbow Dash: You, ok?

Leonardo: Raph, Rainbow Dash, I'm not in the mood!

Rainbow Dash: Uh, for what, exactly?

Leonardo: I don't need to hear you two, or your Casey, or your Mikey laughing at us, and me, about how we got beat up by your Purple Dragons!

Rainbow Dash: Don't forgot Hun.

Leonardo: And Hun.

Rainbow Dash: We weren't gonna laugh again. We just wanted to know what you were doing here?

Leonardo: I was going to repair my swords.

Raph: Want some help?

Leonardo: Really? Even after the way I called your team dishonorable?

Rainbow Dash: It's gonna take a lot more than you criticizing the way we fight to make us not wanna help you.

Raph: Besides, you can't have broken swords, now can you?

Upvotes at import: 16 | Stars at import: 13
Posted previously at: 2019-12-31T22:24:03
safe996828 artist:jebens1148 character:apple bloom27932 character:scootaloo28021 character:sweetie belle26246 species:pegasus188901 species:pony673374 my little pony:equestria girls128651 boots13160 clothing301525 crossed arms3186 cutie mark crusaders11082 defeated267 hanging986 jeans2524 pants9742 shoes22318 skirt23990 teenage mutant ninja turtles307


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