Vector request #14, and the second by :icon3d4d:.
3D4D requested a vector of one of the best MLP canon ships out there: Trixie Lulamoon and the charming Prince Blueblood.
As soon as I saw this amazing crystal Trixie that Tzolkine created, I immediately decided to do a vector of both Trixie and Bluebood crystallized. That is where Trixie's crystal design credit mostly goes to. Prince Blueblood was fairly simple to give a crystal do-over, so I customized his accessories a little bit.
ZIP folder for this vector includes:
SVG file for the entire vector
Separate vector of Trixie, non-crystallized
Separate vector of Trixie, crystallized
Separate vector of Blueblood, non-crystallized
Separate vector of Blueblood, crystallized
Vector of Trixie and Blueblood, non-crystallized
Vector of Trixie and Blueblood, crystallized
Packed a lot of goodies into this one! I think this vector wins the award for my most layers ever — I must have used at least 30 or so! But the results speak for themselves. 😏
Poses reference this base by sammiemae227.
3D4D, I hope you love it! This one took a lot of time and work, but I enjoyed every moment of it! (Well, except for Inkscape crashing a couple times.)
I think it's fair to say that this is my best request yet.
Trixie Lulamoon and Prince Blueblood © :iconhasbroplz: and DHX Media
Trixie's Cutie Mark created by Ambassad0r:iconambassad0r:
Prince Blueblood's Cutie Mark made by 90Sigma:icon90sigma:
Trixie's crystal design belongs to Tzolkine
Base belongs to sammiemae227:iconsammiemae227:
Prince Blueblood's crystal design belongs to me
All vectors © NC-TV:iconnc-tv: