About the Drawing
This was my main chalk drawing project during Czequestria 2019 (A MLP-Convention in Prague). It is a mixture between the famous Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci and the convention mascot Libussa. I really enjoyed drawing her.
About Libussa
But Libussa is fare more than just mascot she is also the legendary ancestor of the Czech people. I learned about the historical part of her with a documentary movie “Setkání s Libuší” which was shown during the convention. It is a great documentary that also features the Czech MLP Fandom. (A trailer about the MLP part)
Bonus Pictures
Libussa: work in progress 1
Libussa: work in progress 2
Vitruvian Libussa (this picture; main picture)
Libussa and her cutie mark
Libussa's cutie mark
References for the drawing
Vitruvian Pony by an unknown artist (agenttasmania has written essays using this picture (Link)
Miss Libussa, Czequestria mascot by Frolda
If you are interested in a general look at Czequestria 2019. I would suggest the journal Czequestria 2019! (overdue report on awesomeness) by Malte279. (My upload is even more overdue :| )