“They were strangers to each other until they were at the same time and in one place”
As i promised — another anthro SFW. I started this piece in the end of november but when exams roll out and then i got ill for two weeks. When new year preparations and etc etc. I'm sorry for not being active for a month…
This was supposed to be a "before New Year piece". A bit about "Roaring 20s". So i tried my best to find fitable props.
I really need to manage deadlines.
Geek Stuff:
Applejack and Rarity from NexGen: https://mega.nz/#F!icN00KzR!IpzcPH9VVwIJiFaTscOoxg
Sweet Apple Acres :(https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=512047979&searchtext=Apple+acers)
(Apple)Jack Daniels: (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=846414032&searchtext=Jack+Daniels)
Hay and other stuff from SBMP: https://mega.nz/#!J3J0ECJY!kko39u7u1XbhIjHVsgF99969A4jBt4DxQ7a2L_-HgjQ
Window, Candle holder, frame, window,trees,teacup from CK-Props: (https://mega.nz/#!BhkSESLY!W43vusRui988Ziepde5O_d4CDA2GBP5Yq9OwFQ6zyCk)
Wall: (http://sfmlab.com/item/596/)
City buildings and statues(on a building), Grand Piano::TF2
Other: TF2,CSGO,L4D2
See ya.