Originally posted on: February 27, 2013EDIT2 😮 Ok so I'm at work still, working from my phone. I'm trying to reply to comments and whatnot but I cannot accept/decline offers until I get home! Thank you for your patience!
EDIT: AAH, I never expected these guys to go so quickly! Thank you very much everypony! I have to go to bed now (it's very late here and I have work tomorrow) so I'll check further offers in the morning. All pending ponies who have not been paid for by this time tomorrow will be put back up for sale!
Hoo hoo hoo, so many poniesss~! <3<3 Just like with the last set, these can be either gender, and once you have adopted a pony, you can change anything about them! Change their names, their cutie marks, the type of pony — heck, you can make them donkeys for all I care.
These guys are offer to adopt. I'll accept pretty much anything, art, design trades, points, and paypal. (IF YOU OFFER ART/DESIGNS — DON'T GET OFFENDED IF I SAY NO. IF I DON'T LIKE YOUR STUFF I JUST DON'T, SORRY.) And since a minimum was requested on my last pony set, I'll go ahead and say that I am very unlikely to accept any offers below the equivalent of 100 points (except for 14 and 15, god, just take them).
Earth Pony Row
o1. Inkwell — *StyxLady
o2. TuffFluff — ~Ad-opt
o3. SweetChime — ~rainbowcrisp
o4. SnakeBite — ~rhodecyl
Pegasus Pony Row
o5. Spyglass — *shiroi-of-envii
o6. SugarDrop — *CeriseCherryLips
o7. GreyDrizzle — *favouritefi
o8. RebelFlag — *PhloxeButt
Unicorn Pony Row
o9. FaerieDust — *StarberryLemonade
1o. FeatherStep — keeping
11. Metamorphistopheles — ~rhodecyl
12. Chic — keeping
Alicorn Pony Row
13. KnightLight — *Sarahostervig
14. Lacystud — *Astrononmical
15. GhoulHeart — *PuppySprinkles
16. Ensemble LeGrand — ~rainbowcrisp
Upon purchase you may receive the full unwatermarked version of your pony upon request.