Outside Canterlot, the turtles and the Mane 6 were hiding in bushes and planning a plan to defeat Shredder, they watching the watchman Kraangs and Hoof Clan.
Rarity: (Whispering) Ugh great, how are we going to go through these guys?
Leo: (whispering) We need someone to distract the Kraangs and the Hoof Clan.
Twilight: (Whispering) But who?
Pinkie Pie: (Whispering) Yeah, who's going to do this?
Mikey: (Whispering) Yeah, who's going to be the bait?
Twilight and Leo look at Pinkie and Mikey.
Pinkie Pie: Uummm, why are you two looking at us?
Mikey: Oh no, that looks means….
Raph: That you two will be bait.
Mikey: Awwww come on!!!
Everypony: SHHHHHHHH!
Mikey: Oops, sorry. (Whispering) Aww come on. But what do you want we do?
Pinkie Pie: I have an idea.
Pinkie whispers in Mikey's ear.
Mikey: Oh great, ok but I want to use a skirt.
Pinkie and Mikey come out of the bush.
Raph: A skirt? But what are they going to do, dance the hula?
The Kraags and the Hoof Clan hear drum noise and there was Mikey skirt leaf and flowers around his neck and head while Pinkie dresses up a giant pizza.
WOW! If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat
Eat my friend Pinkie Pie here because she is a treat
Come on down and dine
On this tasty swine
All you have to do is get in line
Raph and Rainbow hits the hoof in yours faces, thinking this ridiculous distraction wouldn't work.
Are you achin'
Pinkie Pie:
Yep, yep, yep
For some pepperoni
Pinkie Pie:
Yep, yep, yep
She's a big pizza
Pinkie Pie:
Yep yep
You could be big pizza too, oy!
Mikey and Pinkie run screaming and the Kraangs and the Hoof Clan run after them.
Mikey: Yeah, it worked!
Pinkie Pie: Next time I want to use a skirt.
Mikey: Combined.
Mikey and Pinkie keep running and screaming, and others go to Canterlot's entrance.
Raph: I don't think it was dance and costumes that made it work.
Raibow Dash: Yeah me neither.
Fluttershy: Oh, but will Pinkie and Mikey be okay?
Rarity: No worries darling, Pinkie Pie always knows how to get out of this.
Donnie: And Mikey too.
Leo: Let's go guys.
Everypony goes into action.
Scene inspired by The Lion King