"For you know, once even I was a
Little child, and I was afraid
But a gentle someone always came
To dry all my tears, trade sweet sleep for fears
And to give a kiss goodnight
Well now I am grown
And these years have shown
That rain's a part of how life goes
But it's dark and it's late
So I'll hold you and wait
'Til your frightened eyes do close
And I hope that you'll know
That nature is so
The same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
On forests and sand
Makes the beautiful world that you'll see
In the morning
Everything's fine in the morning
The rain'll be gone in the morning
But I'll still be here in the morning"
When Harv was still a little beast, he was deathly afraid of the dark.
It drove his momma Luna insane but he did eventually get over his fear. This in part came from his older brother Anarchy sitting with him some nights and singing to him.
After his fear of the dark waned, Harv began living a nocturnal lifestyle. But, he can thank his patient big bro for helping him adjust to the night!