Spending time with Earthing Elements is an event Rainbow looks forward to the most.
Warm cocoa met with even warmer conversation is something that makes the time seemingly slip away.
The guidence and knowledge of this bottom heavy mare is not something to be understated, but she is more than capable of having a little natter and a chuckle about even trivial things as well- she is so easy to talk to that there is rarely a pause or break within conversation.
When Rainbow visits, she treats her like her own grand-daughter offering far more biscuits than even the sweet toothed rainbow pone can manage in one sitting. On occasions where the weather is poor, you will see Earthing dash so quickly to get a towel that even with her years, could give the wonderbolts a run for their money. All just to ensure her dear friend is not kept shivering, rain dripping from her mane for very long. Rainbow of course tells her to not fuss but she is met with a stern took followed by her dainty mouth breathing in before unleashing a barrage of illnesses that could strike as a result of being too chilly. Rainbow frantically nods and accepts the towels, blankets and pile of hot water bottles willingly now, as Earthing bows her head in approval, hooves folded, frown turning to a grin more soothing that the flickers of the fire.
Done by the lovely :iconrainbowtashie: