Originally posted on: January 24, 2016I think this is probably the fastest I've coloured and shaded something this quickly, with this much detail, and this well.
Some of you who follow me, you may also follow drpossibly and know about what her start to the year has been like. If you don't, she's a friend of mine, as well as crosis278 who has had a constant stream of bad luck over the last little bit that could make anybody wince. So he and I teamed up with toughset , who we commissioned for the lines, and I coloured them up.
I haven't spoken to DrPossibly that much, and have only called her a friend for a bit over a year now, but when I have, its always been an entertaining one filled with a fine level of puns and memery. So seeing somebody like that so far down in the dumps is never a good sight to see. But, I'm a firm believer in the idea that the little thing can make somebody's day just a bit better. Hopefully this is one of those
And always remember. No matter how bad things are, you'll always have a good group of friends who will be there at the end of the day to give you a hug.
Tori is owned by DrPossibly
Chinook is owned by Crosis278's wife.
Lines done by Toughset