This is the starting piece of a new series I'm gonna be doing: Dark Pones. As you probably guessed, it is a Dark Souls x MLP set of drawings where I'll do different bosses and characters of the Souls Series as MLP ones. I will start it off with all DS1 characters, for now, and after I'm done with all the Mane 6, I'll see if people are more interested in seeing other characters of DS1, or if they'd be more into the M6 as DS2 characters, and so on.
To start us off we have Applejack and Winona as Knight Artorias, the Abyss Walker and Sif, the Great Gray Wolf respectively. At first I had planned on giving AJ his full set of armour, but I feel it'd have been too "heavy" visually, for a vector style, and it'd kinda defeat the crossover portion a bit, that is also why I didn't fully obscure her face with pure black as Artorias is normally.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy it! It took me quite a while to draw it, and I'm pretty happy with the results! Stay tuned for more throughout the week!
If you like the idea, you can check the other parts of the series here: