Page 1364 — Horse Couture
14th Apr 2020, 6:00 AM
Author: GreatDinn
Guest Author's Note: "This is not a dig at Etsy, by the by. I'm actually a big fan of Etsy stores. There's a lot of good ones! I have purchased a few RPG items from Etsy stores in the past, and they've yet to disappoint me. Plus…well, this is still an MLP based comic, and I think I'd be remiss to not recall the sheer absolute swath of Etsy stores that sell or sold extremely well crafted My Little Pony Plushies.
I like when players manage to work in callbacks to earlier sessions, whether for mechanical reasons, or plot reasons. It's one of those little things that helps the world feel just that bit more realized. And it shows your players are paying attention (even if it's just because there's that little bit of extra help they can squeeze out of you.) Any stories about a player, not the DM, bringing something back into the game?"
Transcript:Twilight Sparkle’s Phone Buzzing
DM: [text] Hey, it’s getting late. You okay?
Twilight Sparkle: [text] Fine! Talk later.
Twilight Sparkle: Sorry about that. Let me put this away. So, what can we pull together to give the students a burst of school spirit? What do each of us bring to the table?
RT: Say DM? If our group were to wear some sort of mascot accoutrement, would we get a bonus?
MD: …sure…but not as much as last time, since the novelty has worn off.
RT: Then look what IIII~ found!
MD: You still have the Wonderbolt props from game one?
RT: What, did you expect me to sell them?
MD: I have seen your Etsy store.
RT: Touché. There were no buyers. Plebeians.