Safe Version of these two:
What if Rainbow Dash and not Twilight Sparkle somehow claimed Equestria's throne and position as Empress of Equestria?
(lol I've always thought since S3 it should have been Rainbow Dash. )
My personal MLP fanfic has 2 different endings which starts with a Final Battle between Trixie and Applejack vs. Rainbow Dash and Rarity for Twilight's Castle as well as the remaining power of the Element's of Harmony retained in it. The ending I named Equestria's Ending is when Rainbow Dash and Rarity win defeating the last of the Line Ark Ponies (a rebellion against the princesses) and restoring the Equestrian Empire with Rainbow Dash claiming Equestia's rule as her own and Rarity as her co-ruler.
If you're wondering about the rabbit ears, this was part of a Line Ark power that Sunset Shimmer exposed Dashie to in an effort to overthrow Line Ark (but fails miserably). These ears are for Admirals and Generals which give the pony the power to listen to other's thoughts and with experience the pony developed a very unique skill according to their cutie marks. This was meant to be a competition to the Alicorns.