As wonderful as Spicy is, ever the romantic always caring and considerate of his mare, even he cannot ignore that basic instant of when a mare offers herself on a platter for her hunk and he quickly becomes putty in her hooves.
I'm sure snuggles and nuzzles will insue later but for now, let the guy enjoy have some fun with his true love, and take in that sweet smell of skittles and that even sweeter view. — :iconrainbowtashie:
Happy to see our lovely little Ponyville sweetheart :iconrainbowtashie: take her hunk for a ride. Literally offering him yet another loving session of the rated M pony minecraft. Pickaxe to diamonds seems to be the theme of today, and our boy seems ready to mine them. Much to her delight of being harvested by her beloved farm stallion and aerial athlete.
No wonder when their kids pop up, her son carries her strong earth pony genes in tow, packing in that excellent musculature yet soft and malleable side just like his mom. While their daughter embodies her energy and boundful optimism yet shy stance and approach. Though good thing their papa will be there to help his foals along the way, making both them and his loving N64 butt very contempt and happy together.
Done by the lovely :iconrainbowtashie: