Ditzy Doo
Ditzy is one of Ponyton’s friendliest ponies. She has an upbeat can-do attitude and takes her job seriously, but she always has time for a laugh. Foals love seeing her and sometimes bring her snacks or lemonade in the summer. Unlike most ponies, Ditzy’s job doesn’t reflect her talent. What nobody knows is that she was destined to be a free diver and her talent is holding her breath. She dreams of one day living in the village below Mount Aris and making new friends and a new life for herself. She loves muffins that’s true, but it is not her talent, she was taught the recipe by a childhood friend. There isn’t water deep or safe enough to dive in anywhere near Ponyton, and she was land locked.
She has esotropia, meaning one of her eyes turns inward. She’s very self conscious about this and is never seen without an eyepatch. People assume she’s partially blind and she doesn’t correct them.
Time Turner
He has the ancient talent of time manipulation, but on a small scale. He ages wine, cheese, meats and seasonings, and much much more. He sells his aged foodstuffs every Sunday morning at the market, and he’s in a war with another time pony who sells super fresh food using their own time magic. They might be related some how, neither know nor care to find out. Time Lapse is his name, the name of his ultimate rival. He’s rarely home and usually out causing vegetable mischief.
Curse Effects
Ditzy is not seen as particularly desirable due to her assumed blindness or injury, and her cutiemark often causes confusion. She like many other ponies had become sterile sometime in the last 20 years.
The handsome Time Turner has become neglectful of his family. It seems he can make time for his craft and rival but never has time to sit and eat breakfast in the morning with the fam every once in a while.