Took some pony pairing requests over on Twitter and randomly picked out a few! These were really fun and provided much-needed candy horse practice. Even got a few rarepairs, which I like giving some love to.
Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy (FlutterDash)
→ Requested by @PHOENIX93237059.
You know, I used to really dislike this ship way back when I first got into MLP (wow, I was so young back then //sobs). But now, I’m really fond of them! They have a really sweet childhood sweethearts vibe to them.
Minuette/Twinkle Shine (Oh Lord, what is the ship name? Twinklette, I think?? Minkle??)
→ Requested by @RHStrings.
I never thought of these two before, but it’s really cute! Hooray for the underrated girlfriends!
Starlight Glimmer/Trixie Lulamoon (StarTrix)
→ Requested by @PathfinderCS.
Because of COURSE they ended up getting a spot here. I swear to God I chose with a random picker, but it sure feels like destiny here. I won’t front, I was secretly hoping someone requested the magic wives. :’D
Sunburst/Twilight Sparkle (TwiBurst)
→ Requested by @Smprojec.
Another underrated ship, woo! I’m still on-the-fence regarding this pairing, but it is REALLY cute, I gotta admit. Nerd love is bound to be lots of awkward fun.