Dash's kids when they're younger! I edited Greywind's colors a tiny bit to make her match better with her twin bro. I'm also thinking about taking the grey outta her mane but idk yet. Maybe I'll take the rainbow out instead
In age order from left to right: Astra, Greywind, Thunderbird
- Here, they're attending a special private lecture from Spitfire. Dash takes them to get fitted into kiddie Wonderbolts uniforms so they can attend the Wonderbolts Camp in the summer. Fluttershy is there helping them out (she's married to Spitfire and basically a sister to Rainbow), so she probably took the quick pic. Dash hangs it up in the house later
- Greywind is basically blind, she'll need glasses later on once she realizes it's not normal to see the world in such a blurry way. This is also one of the reasons why she wouldn't be the ideal Wonderbolt, but some goggles come with prescription so if she really wanted to… she could
- They're all taking it seriously but Thunderbird is the one who really goes on to become the champion flier
- Toni isn't with them here. Dash invited her though. Rainbow really loves her as her own- she knew not to blame her for Dumbbell's mistake, but Toni still goes through a point in childhood where she feels excluded, despite everyone's best efforts to include her. Dash pushed and pushed, but ultimately respected Toni's decision not to join them.
- Astra is about 10 years old here, she just looks 7 because she's small. Grey and Thunder are maybe 12