Aerial Agriculture, now given a new lease on life as a result of the fusion between Creamy Clouds and Evening Emeralds. Free of any aches and pains that come with mortality, is able to put his life experiences and sheer wisdom to good use. Arguably one of the best uses is telling and being able to charade nighttime stories to his dear grandson Prince Tommy (and RT too if she happens to be staying over for Earthing Elements' famous fudge milkshake and salted caramel cookies that evening) Sure newfound alicornification has many practical and magical uses but the most precious of all is being able to keep up and provide for his family if best dad/grandad can do that, then he doesn't wish for anything else in life.
Upvotes at import: 32 | Stars at import: 22 Posted previously at: 2020-05-25T06:25:59 | Posted previously by: BigOnionbean
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