Nicknames: Ana, Alice, White Demon
Parents: Discord (father), Fluttershy (mother)
Spieces: draconequus-pony hybrid
Special Talent: Acting
Occupation: Local Theater Actor, Animal Sanctuary Worker
- Mayhem's twin sister, who just her brother was named by Discord.
- She has a really long. When she was young, she used to wrap it around her for comfort.
- When she was young, she was rather sensitive and would easily cry.
- She was absolutely Mama's girl. As a foal she always wanted to be around Fluttershy and Anarchy would cry, even she left the house for an hour.
- She can use magic, but the pony and chaos magic clash inside of her sometimes, creating a burst chaos magic, causing problems. This mostly happened through the overflow of emotions.
- She has a rough relationship with Discord, as when she was young was barely was able to use magic, so couldn't really participate in creating chaos with her dad and siblings. This led to Discord, without knowing, paying less attention to her than the others. This also strengthen Anarchy's relationship with Fluttershy.
- She was questioned many times by other foals wether or not she's a pony or something else, causing her to feel like an outsider, making her hate how much she feels disconnected from everyone around her.
- She's the only one among her siblings who got a cutie mark.
- She has a 'soft' feeling personality. She talks few and ina soft voice. Even when angry she keeps her tone low.She's not really shy like her mother, but she rather stays in the background.
- She's rather keep her problems to herself. She would rather keep her emotions under control.
There are other parts of her bio that I have, but I decided to introduce later, as they kinda big things. Big, character changing things. I'm gonna show them later down the line through drawings.
But still, that doesn't mean the bio not going to change other ways.