Don't even ask why I keep making cozy glow tickles pictures. I just love her so much. Anyways, this picture is about twilight tickling cozy glow's belly with a Quill. This happened when cozy glow was doing her job around friendship school and then the announcement called for cozy glow to enter Starlight's office. When she entered, Starlight just asked the little filly how was she enjoying the school so far and she said she liked it. She's learning more about friendship. All of a sudden, twilight entered the room and cozy and Starlight looked at her. Twilight asked the filly on how she was enjoying friendship school and she said she liked it. Then a few minutes later, twilight picked up one of Starlight's quills from her little cup and brushed it on Cozy's little belly. She squealed with laughter while Starlight looks at her with amusement, admiring her cute laughter. Twilight seems to have a lot of fun doing this, so shes not gonna stop soon.
Twilight: tickles her belly coochie coochie coo, you little cutie.
Cozy glow: hahahahahahaha! Headmare twilight, please! N-not my b.. Belly! Hehe! X3
Twilight: aww, but it looks so cute and ticklish~
Starlight: I never knew how adorable her laughter was. chuckles