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Click . . . Clop . . .

Click . . . Clop . . .

Click . . . Clop . . .

The echo of Athena’s deer hind and lizard leg slowly trodding the stone floor reverberated off the high ceilings of the great hall, breaking the silence of the otherwise silent room. It sounded as loud as her own heartbeat, which she could hear clearly. Normally she would levitate or fly to avoid the monotonous clacking, but something about the Hall of Windows made anything but walking feel irreverent.

As she walked as softly as possible, she gazed slowly around the room. Memories of when, as a tiny chick, she looked up in wonder at the towering columns and sun filtered paintings above her filled her mind.“Auntie” Celestia or her dear old Da used to explain for hours their meanings and the creatures or stories they portrayed. Once in a while, she, Dawn, and Flurry would play beside the windows, reenacting the various events and triumphs. She had passed through this hall a hundred times since her foalhood and knew every crook and cranny like the back of her paw. But today . . . today something was different.

At the end of the hall, through the two double doors, was the council room. Right now the four royal mares and her dear friend Dawn were seated at the round table, waiting for her. While the exact details of the meeting were not disclosed, the Princesses told the duo it was to discuss Dawn’s future as the Princess of Friendship and Athena’s as her royal advisor. And the future of Equestria, as “Aunt” Luna had solemnly added. The statement hung in her mind as she continued down the hall.

Athena scanned the chronologically-set windows of Nightmare Moon’s banishment, return, and redemption, picking out her mother’s petite form utilizing her element among the others. She was there again, when she and her friends returned her Da to stone. Then there was her “Aunt” Cadence united with Shining against Chrysalis' horde. Farther down loomed Sombra’s story, happily ending with “Uncle” Spike holding the crystal heart. Some more event-focused windows followed, such as when Tirek invaded or Flurry Heart was born.

But as she neared the end of the hall, the windows switched format and became solely character focused. First came Celestia and Luna. Athena marveled at how elegant and majestic they looked. Their faces were beautiful but serious, and the background surrounded them in an ethereal halo of light. It was a stark contrast to the Aunts she knew. She suppressed a chuckle at the thought of this dignified sun goddess being the same one who snuck into the castle kitchen at night when Athena woke up a hungry chick and blow bubbles in her milk and laugh until it came snorting out her nose. Luna, on the other hand, was for the most part pretty much like her painted counterpart.

The next window was Cadence’s. She wasn’t as grandly designed as the two sisters, but she was no less beautiful to look at. Cadence’s naturally loving and motherly-like character were captured effortlessly in her piece, and with the crystal heart etched behind her, she was the picture perfect Princess of Love. Beside her was the princess she was most fond of, her dear Aunt and teacher Twilight. Although shorter and younger than the others, she still looked as regal as the rest. Athena smiled, remembering how Twilight always rolled her eyes when anyone made a fuss over her royalty.

But Athena’s smile faded as she continued walking. Her steps grew slower until she came to a full stop. She stood, breath bated, staring up at the three panels before her. On the left was her Grandda Disarray, war torn and somber. To the right was her proud but gentle Grandma Eris facing oppositely from her husband. In the middle was her own Da, whose stately figure was placed there to honor his redemption and position as royal advisor to his sisters.

Since the sun was shining brightly, blinding her eyes, Athena walked closer to avoid it until she stood at the base of Discord’s window. She couldn’t make out the castle ground through the panes as the glass was too clouded with color, making the only other thing in the window visible her reflection. Albeit, even that was distorted by the colors too.

As a chick, Athena unsurprisingly felt the most connected to the windows of her da and grandparents. Partly because of their looks of course. But it was also because of her close bond with her Da, and seeing him and her grandparents honored for their actions, their legacy.

Athena glanced at the windows she had passed, the ones with her mom, her ‘aunts’, her ‘uncle’, then looked back up at Discords. All of them were her family, extended or immediate and all had played a major role in restoring Equestria’s harmony and ensuring it’s peace. These windows were not only dedicated to a miliania of Equestrian history, but were also depictions of her own history. Her family and Eqeustria’s fate always went hoof in hoof. It was just like Aunt Luna said, she really was the future of Equestria.

As she thought about the significance of that fact, she felt something rising in her chest. Her heart was beating faster with excitement and anxiety and determination. She felt her mouth dry, but her smile grew wider. Lifting her head proudly, she looked up at Discord's unnaturally angled face.

Choking back the lump in her throat she said,“I . . I’m going to make you proud. All of you. I promise, won’t let you down.”

“Do you really believe that?”

Athena jumped. That voice . . . it sounded like her own, but wasn’t coming from inside her head. It was audible. She looked in the direction she heard it- right in front of her. All she saw was her reflection- only, it wasn’t reflecting anything. It wore a completely different expression- one that didn’t mirror her own. It looked at her furrowed eyebrows and blinking, searching eyes.

“Wh-what?” she asked, finally finding her voice.

“Do you really believe, deep down, what you just said?” It repeated.

Athena didn’t take the time to think or question why her reflection had come to life with a mind and voice of it’s own. Instead, she replied curtly, “well of course I do! What makes you think I don’t?”

It shrugged nonchalantly. “No reason. I just wonder what makes you think that you can pull this job off and make them proud.”

It was Athena’s turn to furrow her eyebrows. “Well for one, I’ve trained for this all my life! I’m pretty sure I’m up for the task of royal advisor.”

Her reflection chuckled, shaking its head. “You and I both know training doesn’t do any good if one doesn’t use their training. Da was trained, like you, to take on royal responsibilities, but he failed his duties and instead of honoring his parent’s legacy after their death, he became mad with chaos and grief. Even when reformed, the ponies' treatment of him and his past caused him to lash out and risk ruining Equestria a second time. The last thing Dawn needs is an advisor who would let her emotions rule over her like Da.”

Athena bristled at the being’s argument and had to restrain herself from letting her anger rise. “After all, she reminded herself, “this is still my reflection I’m talking to.”

Despite trying to remain unruffled, she couldn’t help sounding indignant as she replied, “You of all creatures should know that I am not my da! He had the grief and guilt of his parent’s death to corrupt him, I do not. Not to mention Da has been the royal advisor to the princesses for years now and the ponies not only accept him but respect him! Times have changed and I don’t expect to ever see a pony pitchfork mob at my throat.”

Crossing her forelegs, she continued, “but even IF something tragic were to happen to mom and da or a pony mob were to attack me, I’m not the kind of draconequus who lets her emotion cloud her judgement! I can control my feelings.”

To emphasize her point, she sat back in a relaxed position and looked at her with a tranquil expression. However, the vexed glint in her eye betrayed her. Not that her reflection noticed. She seemed lost in thought at Athena’s reply, holding her chin and looking off to Athena’s side.

“You’re right,” she finally said, looking back at the draconequus. “You’re not as emotionally susceptible to becoming corrupted as Da- you have too much of mom’s serene spirit in you for that. No, uncontrollable emotions are not your weakness.”


However” she stopped her, holding up a transparent paw, “you are weaker in other areas compared to Da areas in which he excels.”

Athena eyed her suspiciously. “What are you talking about?”

The draconequus turned and lifted up her left paw. In the glass above it, the colors of Discord’s backdrop swirled and changed until they formed a miniature stained glass Discord. He stood proudly, with exaggerated muscles and bright explosions of magic surrounding him like fireworks.

“You're the daughter of Discord, Lord of Chaos, born of the powerful draconequus race, and who has lived for longer than a millenia, both destroying and saving this world within that time. He is also the last of his kind, son of the royal and powerful Eris and Disarray.”

Then, twisting to her right, she conjured up an image using her other paw. Once again, the window above it spiraled until a shape of Athena herself appeared, looking like the complete opposite of Discord. Her arms drooped, her knees shook, and the few sparkles of magic around her flickered faintly. Athena huffed at it, unamused.

“Yet you have half the physical stamina, half the strength, half the magic, and half the life experience that he has. And although dear mother is an element of Harmony, she is still a pony, and pony genes weaken and inhibit much of the magic and prowess of the draconequus race.”

She turned and faced Athena, seemingly leaning in closer to her counterpart. “But despite all this, you’re still expected to perform the same job as him for the equally inexperienced Dawn? Doesn’t that worry you?”

Athena’s look shifted from peeved to worried, as she stared at her reflection’s half-lidded, unreadable expression. “Uhh . . .Nooo . . . not really. Why should I be concerned?”

“Well, if you think about it, you’re not exactly the best choice for the job magic wise. Why, you can hardly beat Da in a match when he’s going easy on you, and he’s not exactly as spring chicken anymore. Not to mention you have no ‘paws-on’ job experience,” she said matter-of-factly.

Athena turned away, trying to hide the doubt creeping into her face.

“What’s your point?” she asked, agitated.

“My point is that you are weak physically, magically, and don’t have the experience to counteract those disadvantages. So if things were to turn south for Dawn or Equestria , you may not be strong enough to help.”

Athena sat silently bended over in thought. Her reflection heaved a quick sigh, before emerging like a ghost out of the stained window, her body as transparent as the glass she came from. She circled her long neck around to Athena’s left side, coming close to her drooping ear.

“Picture this,” she said softly, but firmly. “Dawn is down, injured, and inches away from her life being taken by some murderous villain. You’ve tried stopping them, but you’re out for the count yourself, too feeble to do anything physically and your magic is too weak to stop them. There’s nothing you can do but watch helplessly from the sidelines, unable to intervene. Is Da going to be proud then, when his only daughter failed to do her duty? When she couldn’t save the friend she was to serve? To protect? To guide?”

Athena jerked away as though bitten and snarled at the emotionless apparition with furry filled eyes.

“Do you really think I’d ever let that happen?” She spat. “I would DIE before I ever let harm come to her, and so would all of Dawn’s friends and family! So even if I couldn’t protect her, there’s a hundred other creatures who could! Besides, Equestria hasn’t seen a villain in a good 20 years so this . . . this sick story of yours will probably never come true in the first place!”

The other draconequus wasn’t moved in the slightest by Athena’s outburst. Rather, she only shook her head apathetically and said, “Improbable yes, but it's not impossible. I know my story is unlikely, but in your position you have to consider even the most unlikely of situations.”

The apparition then floated around to her right shoulder and, laying one paw on it that Athena couldn’t feel but still tensed up at, pointed with her other paw at one of the windows. Athena hesitantly looked and saw it was the depiction of Tirek’s defeat.

“Despite peace, villains can always arise out of nowhere. Tirek came here without warning and managed to overthrow the entire kingdom. Even Da, Lord of Chaos, was powerless against him. If it weren’t for the mares of harmony, he would have won, and you can’t always count on the now aging mares to be here. And if Da couldn’t defeat a villain like Tirek, then what chance does a draconequus as weak as you stand?”

Athena looked at the floor. “I . . .” she faltered.

Floating back in front of her, the reflection looked at with her a flicker of sympathy in her transparent face. “I don’t say these things to frighten you Athena, but to show you the reality of your responsibility- to prepare you. It’s not a light burden, and Equestria can’t afford risking somepony taking it who’s too weak to handle it.”

Athena looked straight at her sternly. “Of course I understand that- I understand what this job entails, both the bad and the good. Do you think I’m stupid or something?”

Holding her head higher, she added, “Besides, in all your talking you seem to miss the main objective of my job. Sure, I’ll protect Dawn to my last breath, but as her royal advisor my main job will be to advise her. Do you think I’m too weak to do that? After training for it my whole life, knowing Dawn as well as she knows herself, and acting many times as a peacemaker? Do you really think I will fail in that area?

The apparition shrugged and, slithering around Athena and back toward Discord’s window, she nonchalantly said, “perhaps not. You are, like you said, prepared in that regard, and advising and keeping peace is definitely your strength.”

Athena turned around, smiling at her reflection’s confession. “Finally! I was beginning to think you were all doom and gloom-”

“But” the reflection cut her off. “while you may yet succeed at your job, you need to consider the consequences should you fail.”

Athena’s smile fell. “Wait, what do you mean fail? I thought-”

“It’s true you’ll likely be a great advisor, but what if you mess up? What if you misjudge a situation and give bad advice to Dawn that ends up creating trouble for her and Equestria? Dawn trusts your judgement, and if you betray that trust, you might lose her-”

“-Friendship?” Athena’s eyes narrowed. “Dawn has forgiven me for misjudgements and mistakes in the past. It would take more than one slip up to lose her. We’re like sisters after all!”

She shook her head. “Not all bonds are safe from the pressures that come from being a ruler. If she messes up due to your advice, then the citizens will blame her, and if neither you or her can fix the situation, then she will be tempted to blame you out of stress and resentment.”

“You don’t know that!”

“But you know Dawn. She doesn’t handle stress on her own very well and if you can’t help her, there’s no telling what she might do. Maybe she would even go so far as to remove you from your position?”

“Dawn would never do such a thing! I can’t believe you’re even suggesting that!” Athena shouted, hot tears pricking at her eyes.

“There’s no need to get worked up,” the apparition cooed softly, wrapping a formless wing around Athena. “Let's forget about Dawn for a second. Instead, think about the effect your failure would have on them,” she suggested, pointing at three draconequui pictured above them.

“What- what do you mean?” she asked, stepping back.

Her reflection stood back as well, and standing at her fullest height, looked down at Athena gravely. “While today equestrian creatures are more accepting of draconian kind, it wouldn’t take but one act, one grave mistake to go terribly wrong, to confirm the suspicions hidden behind their friendly masks. After all, there are still ponies who suffered and remember Da’s mistakes. Even though they haven’t spoken against him, they are just waiting for just one screw up to confirm their prejudice and give them a reason to banish him.”

Athena didn’t reply. Instead, she looked again at the floor, angry. Angry because she was right in a way. She had often seen Da talk with mom behind thought-to-be-closed doors. He told her the pressure he bears: the pressure to perfect, to never, ever give the ponies a reason to suspect ill intent. She could picture his sagging shoulders now, with mom’s yellow wing wrapped around him. Besides, she herself experienced some prejudice as a child from Canterlot fillies that she never really forgot. Of course, it's only a minority who hold anything against her or Da, but it would only take a few to convince the majority to distrust them if they did something wrong.

“The reputation of draconequus kind is on an unstable scale that could easily be tipped back into one of ruin and monsterhood. Once you take that royal role, you are taking the reputation-the legacy- of Da and your grandparents into your paws. You alone will determine how draconequui go down in history thousands of years from now.”

Again, Athena said nothing, but sat hunched over and withdrawn. The reflection continued, her tone as serious and unemotional as her face.

“If you were to make just one horrible, equestria-threatening mistake, Athena, you wouldn’t not just be letting down your friends . . .”

She trailed off, causing Athena to look up just in time to see her reflection alter Discord’s entire window with a snap. Gone was the proud portrait of her father, and in its place was a stained glass image of her best friends: Dawn, Jet, Ophelia, Chryssy, Splendor, Tom, and the Twins. They each looked at her, some with disgust, some with disappointment. The Twins were crying, and Dawn . . . Dawn wasn’t even facing her.

She knew it wasn’t real, that it was just an illusion. But that didn’t stop her from feeling hurt as their eyes bore down on her, crushing her. She wanted to look away but she remained fixated on the glass.

“ . . or failing your position as royal advisor . . .”

The figures melted and reformed to create a new scene. In the middle was Athena, hunched over, with her future royal regalia in pieces around her. Looming over her with the four princesses, their faces shrouded in darkness, but with menacing, glowing yellow eyes. Not only had she failed her position as royal advisor, but she had failed her dearest teachers as well.

“. . . or ruining your own reputation . . .”

The princesses faded, but Athena remained. This time though, she was on the outskirts of ponyville, surrounded by an angry mob of ponies shouting or rejecting her. Above her where the faded busts of her parents, both back to back. Fluttershy was sobbing, while her father looked resentful. Athena at last looked away, unable to handle the image of her parents.

. . . you would become a disgrace to your own kind. A disgrace to the legacy of Disarray and Eris. A disgrace to your own father.”

At the mention of her Da, Athena glanced up, and saw Discord with Eris and Disarray behind him, and behind them a number of draconequus silhouettes screaming and crying. Her grandparents stared at her with hollow eyes and broken hearts above their chests. But Discord, his red eyes gazed down at her, full of judgement, hurt, and disappointment. He held his regalia, broken in two, with a piece in each hand.

“THIS IS YOUR FAULT!” an echo of Discord’s voice growled.

“STOP!” Athena cried, squeezing her eyes shut and clutching her long ears down. “Just . . . stop, please . . .”

Her reflection didn’t react. Instead, she watched patiently with a bored, half-lidded expression as she waited for Athena to regain her composure.

It took a few seconds for the draconequus’ breathing to become normal and steady again. Slowly, she lowered her paws from her face to the floor, though she remained with her head down and ears pinned back. Then, opening her eyes, she looked up frowning at her reflection.

Finally she said “You’re . . . You’re lying. None of what you said or showed me is true!”

“But it could come true-”

“I don’t care!” she snapped. “I don’t know why I’m even listening to you! You’re just some . . . some manifestation of my fears and doubts!”

“That is possibly all I am, yes, but there’s a kernel of truth to every fear and doubt,” she defended.

Athena didn’t reply, but looked sullenly at her paws.

The apparition continued, “and you haven’t really refuted any of my points either. You’ve just been making excuses or brushing them off as “could be’s” to never think about again. But these are exactly the things you SHOULD be thinking about Athena- for your good and Equestira’s. Don’t you think it is wise to consider all risks, no matter how dispiriting they are?”

“You’re right,” Athena said flatly.

Her reflection sighed. “Finally, you’re being rational about thi-”

“-You’re right, I do think the risks are worth considering.”

Athena paused, and getting up on all fours, her wings outspread and tail slashing, she stared at her counterpart with such a firm, resolute gaze that her reflection looked slightly worried.

“I do think about the consequences of my actions,” she continued, “and I try my best to be prepared for the worst. But there’s a fine line between preparing and worrying. I can’t deny, some of what you said is true, about my weakness and the pressure of this position. But worrying about what I can’t control doesn’t help me or anyone esle!”


“No buts!” Athena said, slapping a paw down on the marble floor.

Her reflection gasped and recoiled from her. Seeing her cower, Athena took a few steps forward, causing her reflection to back up too until she was up against the window.

“Your hypothetical scenarios, as exaggerated as they are, could come true, sure. But does thinking about them help? I can’t control the future. All I can control is how I react in the present. Focusing on the worst case scenarios can only discourage me and cause me to lose focus of reality- to lose hope for a better future. If they do come true, well then, I’ll just have to cross that bridge when I come to it!”

So saying, she took another step forward. Her reflection stepped another foot backwards, causing her to faze back into the window. The two stared at each other like they had a few minutes ago. Only now, Athena glared at her reflection, who in turn shrank away from her.

“But in the meantime, I won’t give your little scenarios the time of day. Instead, I will focus on the positive and good! I will continue to prepare for my position- to strengthen my strong points and work on the areas where I’m weaker. I will take each day as it comes and when and if bad things happen I’ll face them as best I can,” she said, smiling confidently.

“I will be the best advisor I can be to Dawn!” she shouted. “I won’t fail or disgrace anyone! I will uphold my responsibilities. I will honor the legacy of my grandparents and the whole draconequus race! I will make my Da proud! I WILL!”

“Uh-h . . . Annie? Who are you shouting at?”

Athena jumped and twirled around. She saw Dawn’s worried and confused face peeking out from between the double doors she was supposed to have been through 5 minutes ago.

“Oh! Dawn! I was uh, just talking to . . .” Athena looked back at her father’s window. All she saw was her own confused and embarrassed face staring back at her.

“ . . yourself?” Dawn offered.

Athena waved her paw and her reflection mirrored it. Whatever that was, it was gone. Or had it never really been there at all? Athena quickly shook her head before turning toward Dawn.

“Uh yeah,” she said, rubbing the back of her neck. “Guess I just got carried away thinking out loud there.”

“Ok well, whatever. Just, come on. You’re late enough as it is. Aunt Celestia can only eat so much cake waiting you know.”

Athena snorted as she trotted over to her friend. “I’m pretty sure that’s not a problem for her”

Dawn smirked, “True, but if you don’t come on she’s going to eat all of it and then that will be a problem for us.”

The two girls quietly giggled at the comment so as not to be heard. As Athena pushed open the doors wide enough for her to slip through, she stopped.

Looking back at the windows, she saw her father’s form restored back to normal. The sun’s warm evening rays filtered through the colorful panes, covering the floor with it’s kaleidoscope-like shadow. It looked so soft and peaceful, but despite Athena’s feeling of triumph, she couldn’t shake a nagging feeling. A tiny, squirming, deep rooted feeling in the back of her mind.

Dawn watched as her friend’s smile faded and a hint of worry creept into her face.

“Hey . . are you ok Annie?” she asked.

Athena snapped out of her thoughts and turned to see a concerned Dawn looking up at her. She smiled sincerely and said, “yeah Dawn, I’m fine. Better than fine! I feel great.”

Dawn lifted an eyebrow. “Uh huh. Are you sure?”

“Of course!” she chirped, booping her friend’s muzzle. “Now let’s go! The first pony there gets whatever cake is left!”

Athena zipped away before Dawn could even blink.

“Hey waIT! I WAS HERE FIRST! YOU’RE THE ONE WHO’S LATE!” Dawn shouted, galloping after her friend.

The double doors shut with a thump behind them, leaving the great hall completely silent at last.


Huh, guess arguing with your reflection is a heritable trait. Who knew? Shrug emoji

This piece is part of a gift for Celestial-Rainstorm for her birthday today, featuring her nextgen character, Athena “Annie”, daughter of Fluttershy and Discord.

This little scene is meant to be an exploration of Athena’s character and her role as Dawn’s future advisor. It’s heavily inspired by Cely’s amazing comic, The Heart of a Draconequus, as well as what she’s posted about Athena’s character and struggles up to this day. It’s in no way meant to be taken as part of the Athenaverse canon! It’s just an idea of how I think Athena would react to her upcoming responsibility, and what Cely actually does in her canon might be totally different from my take on it. Or not, who knows! But regardless, simply regard this little scene as a little angsty, fun headcanon of mine. :p

And just to be clear on this: Athena’s reflection (which I have nicknamed Reflecta) was conjured up by her chaos magic as a result of the strong emotions, good and bad, that overwhelmed Athena in that moment. So she literally is just a reflection of Athena’s darkest doubts and fears about herself and what may happen in the future. She’s not necessarily malicious, but she pretends to be helpful. We often think it helps to worry- to prepare- and we rationalise our fears. But Athena sees how illogical it is and how exaggerated Reflecta paints things and is able to overpower her . . . for now at least.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed it! Feel free to give Celestial-Rainstorm some birthday love as well as check out the rest of her amazing art and characters!

Upvotes at import: 35 | Stars at import: 24
Posted previously at: 2020-06-29T19:15:13 | Posted previously by: Mildgyth


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