Special thanks to :iconmohawkrex:
After realizing what had happened spike needed to see for himself, and he was stunned to see that the once baby dragon had turned into a bodacious pony, spike looked at himself in amazement, the trio scientists later realized (as they look at the potion) that if this potion worked on spike, It would work wonders for themselves. So they agreed to try it too, at first it has the same surprising effect it had on spike, BUT, once the smoke clears, the newly ponyfied spike Couldn't believe his eyes at what he saw. First there was Rarity the dragonista, rarity was a little shocked at first but spike held her claws, promising her that no matter who she was their love would never change. Then there was Twilight the egg headed dragon, though this time she gains unlimited power. With these powers she can work wonders to do just about anything. All three (spike, rarity and twilight) seemed quite happy with the change. But wait where's Harmony star. It turns out that Harmony is now the new baby dragon (about the same as Spike's age) he shed a tear just as twilight picked him up she said to him that she still loves him.
Part 1: [link]