"Glass Hopper is an earth pony class Protopony who primarily deals with reconnaissance. Unlike the other three protoponies (Storm Shock, Ominox and Jittering Jolt), Glass Hopper is a less significant protopony who doesn't have as much of a developed personality or a story arch than the other three will have. Regardless, Glass Hopper is a prime example of the average Protopony. Not very bright, really odd looking, but has his place and significance in the ever growing armada of Agents of Chaos characters.
Glass Hopper will be a recurring protpony but he has less significance than the others I've vectored so far. Glass Hopper really displays just how weird the protoponies can really look. He closely resembles a giant grasshopper more so than he does a pony.
Again, Glass Hopper is more of a background character in My Little Pony: Agents of Chaos than an actual character, but for sure he will play a part in my upcoming animation I plan on releasing this coming Spring (and if lucky enough sooner than that)."
Upvotes at import: 10 | Stars at import: 4 Posted previously at: 2013-04-20T04:58:45 | Posted previously by: And Brother I Hurt People
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