Scanner is broken by the way
I been playing "Poker Night at the Inventory" and I was just thinking which character I would like to play poker with. And so this picture was born. I picked Fluttershy, Kamina (in his Double K attire), the 10th Doctor, and GLaDOS.
Just imagine the interaction XD
:icontenthdoctorplz::iconsaysplz: Well that it is for me. I'll do like a tree and leave.
:iconfluttershyplz::iconsaysplz: I'd like to be be a tree!
:iconportalgladosplz::iconsaysplz: I was a potato once… I wouldn't recommend it.
:iconkamina-plz::iconsaysplz: I was a flaming giant robot once, it was awesome!
:iconportalgladosplz::iconsaysplz: This is almost as fun as that one time when I killed all the scientist…
:iconfluttershyplz::iconsaysplz: Ki-ki-kiill!? meep
:icontenthdoctorplz::iconsaysplz: I zoned out for a second there. Did you said "kill"?
:iconportalgladosplz::iconsaysplz: I meant this almost as fun as when I threw a party for all the scientist that created me… (yeah, that make sense)… that's what I meant! Who wants cake?
:iconkamina-plz::iconsaysplz: This overgrown toaster is starting to creep me out.
Also if you beat Kamina you get his shades, the Doctor gives you a Sonic Screwdriver,
GLaDOS gives you a Portal Gun, and Fluttershy gives you a hug and a phoenix feather (so you can revive yourself). Which one you like the most?