Hullo! My name is Snails. There's a lot of things ponies don't know 'bout me. For one, my real name isn't Snails. But I'm not gunna tell you my real name because it sounds funny…and ponies tease me enough. They tell me my mama must've been a giraffe but I dunno 'cause I never met her. I'm pretty sure she's not though 'cause I wrote to the Princess once she she told me that there was no way that was possible…
Second, most ponies think I'm real slow, guess cuz of my nickname and cutiemark. But that isn't true either! I mean, besides reading sometimes…Ms. Cheerilee says i'm the most talented science student she's had in years though! Says I have a great aptitude for zoology. And that oughta count for something, right?
That's how I got my cutiemark anyway…I've always been good at studying things that creep n' crawl on the ground and one day I found this creepy crawlie that no one ever saw before…I got to name it and everything. I even got a medal from Ponyville's Science Society. I never saw my Pop cry before that day but I guess he was real proud of me…
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