Seeing some of the screenshots and mini animations with some of the characters, my first thought was how absolutely adorable they look, especially Izzy, what a bundle of cuteness! So I wanted to give drawing these new ponies a try.
What I wanted to go for was these three girls popping out of the paper into the world, to symbolise (in a way) the emergence of this new generation.
As for colouring, it was honestly all hands on deck, using at least one colour from each set of colouring pencils I had, trying to merge them together to get the pelt colours right. It was a massive pain, but I think I pulled it off (A tad darker but still recognisable). I think the trouble may have come down to using tanned tone paper for this piece, but I went with it so the whites could stand out better. Out of the three, the toughest colour to get right was Pipp, who came out darker due to shading. The most fun to colour was Izzy, I love the blending that can be done to her mane.
Either way, I hope you all like, because I had a good time drawing this piece and a decent time colouring it!