General Zanit Monzano stood looking over a set of maps in the war room under Colthage. The warm fire in the corner lit her work. The Starites in the west, Zarza’s forces in the rural regions, and now there was even resistance in Coltva. Then on top of that, Zarishat kept insisting on going to her playzeeb mansion on that Za’al forsaken island.
A thumping headache ran through her head, banging at the sides of her skull like something wanted to escape. Feeling like she needs to go lay down, Monzano is only brought back to reality when she hears a loud knocking on the door. She must’ve not heard it at first over her migraine. Opening the door, her aide nearly collapses at her hooves. He’s exhausted.
“General, the Sufrit has fled.”
The pain got worse. No, Zarishat couldn’t have abandoned her, she would never do that. Her skull throbbed. What about all their plans, the nation they would build together? Does she just not care? Her mind burned with anger and pain. No, stop kidding yourself Monzano. She never cared. She’s a raging drunk who existed to spite her brother. You offered her friendship, and she threw it away. The pounding won’t stop! Za’al damn her! To Tartarus with her and all her lackies! Make the pain go away!
Trashing the office, Monzano threw everything she could reach into the fire. The maps, Zarishat’s books, paintings, everything was already burning. What’s a bit more? In her fit of rage, Monzano screamed, releasing all her pent-up fury, and then began to think. The beating subsided, and Monzano turned back to the aide, who was now cowering in fear.
“Ozid will abandon us. Rally what’s left of the army. I’ll do this myself.”
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