Opaline looks at the small shivering filly in the midst of all the fog and considers what she should do. The easy thing to do would be to walk past as she shoves the filly out of the way and if she did that, their pathetic reaction would probably be entertaining.
But something about the little pony makes Opaline hesitate. They’re alone, confused, and left to fend for themselves… just like she once was. Maybe, just maybe, the filly could actually be useful to her in someway. An assistant would be nice.
“Fine. You can stay with me for now but this will most likely be temporary and you will have to work hard to earn the right to be under my care.” Opaline states before starting to walk back to her castle. The filly quickly catches up with her, trying to keep up with her pace. “Thank you! I promise I can work hard! I can work real hard!” She says with a nervous smile, not wanting Opaline to change her mind.
“My name is Misty!” The filly says as she trots.
“I didn’t ask, now did I?” Opaline says harshly.
“Oh… sorry.” Misty goes quiet for a few seconds. “What’s your name?”
“Queen Opaline Arcana.” Opaline says proudly as she spreads wings, casting a shadow over Misty. “Future ruler of all of Equestria!” She says but pauses when she feels something nuzzling up under her wing. She looks down to see Misty staying close to her to warm up during the cold night. Opaline sighs with an annoyed expression but doesn’t scold her or move her wing yet. She’ll just lecture the filly about this when they get to the castle.
Okay but actually, I’m glad I gave MLP G5 another chance because it ended up actually growing on me! I love Misty and I’ve been wanting to draw her all week! I have so many doodles and sketches of her and this is just one of them that I decided to turn into a full piece! I‘m still not a fan of Opaline’s design but Misty makes up for it I guess lol.