29 days worth of Newbie Artist Training Grounds prompts in 12 thumbnails.
Applejack, walking whilst half asleep (a glazed look; walking)
Pinkie Pie in her Nightmare Night costume (in a costume; using a tool; in disguise)
Twilight Sparkle learns that the red-and-white mushrooms make you twice as tall as you were (on the rise; a giant pony; transforming)
Rainbow Dash being lazy (laying down; playing a game)
Fluttershy dressed up as Shimmerwing (made over; from a legend)
Rarity directing the play in which Fluttershy is acting (putting on a play; pony's masterpiece)
The Great and Powerful Trixie DORIFUTING!!!! (drifting; excited; in competition)
Software Patch wondering how he's going to tell his parents he wrecked his shoulder (nervous; broken up)
Rainbow Dash training for the big race, keeping her eyes on the prize (pony with a plan; training; stretching)
Sunset Shimmer, on fire (burning up; burning out)
Pinkie Pie doesn't want to leave the beach (at the beach; out of time)
Princess Twilight Sparkle, like a boss (ruling; making the grade)