What do I think of Equestria Girls? Well, I'll let my OC, Pencil Sketch, and her spastic dancing answer that for you!
I've watched the trailer SO MANY TIMES, since its release on Sunday. Just…oh my god. I can't stop thinking about it. It's gonna be in theaters! How cool is THAT shit?!
I'll admit, when I first heard about EG, I was REALLY wary. I mean…"humans"? Blech! No thanks, I'd rather watch PONIES. And a cliche "high school" setting?! pukes But then I saw the animation and heard the awesome music in the trailer…and I was slowly coaxed into finally accepting it! Who knows, it could be pretty good! :aww:
Now, I'm pumped up and ready to head to my nearest theater. I even applied to like 6 for a summer job, hoping that I get hired so I can be a part of the staff while the movie comes out! MMMMYEAHMANPONYMOVIE. I have my fingers crossed, DHX! Let's see what ya got!
So this piece is based off the song that plays in the background of the traile. Like I said, it is FREAKING AWESOME! I can tell that I'm already gonna listen to it on repeat for days to come!