No really, she does… :)
It's been a while since Rarity has appeared in any of my works, and I felt that since she wasn't adorned with a car in some of my earlier work, I felt now was the time to give her something befitting her stature in life, and what better than a 1965 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow that costs 12,000 and has hand crafted coachwork by H.J. Mulliner Park Ward of London. Unlike the modern BMW rubbish that is occasionally churned out with a Rolls-Royce badge on the front, this car was built to give the late 1960's something in the way of class, with a chrome nose that resembled the gable columns of St Paul's Cathedral, and an interior that was worth every penny you sunk into it! :D
Only the finest for the finest of the girls. ;)
I was originally going to be mean and say that Rarity did in fact have a Rolls Royce or a Bentley, but then that inevitably broke down due to their notorious unreliability, and she eventually had to settle with either a Ford Transit van, an Austin Princess or a rust ridden LDV Convoy. But since poor old Rarity comes under a lot of flak everyday as people constantly brand her a snob, I felt that she deserved a little slack, and got her to pose with her expensive piece of vehicular glory. :D
Although I wouldn't be tempted to drive it to school, chances are it won't live for very long in the hands of her fellow classmates… :S