Rainbow Dash: "Well this is comfy…"
Applejack: "Oh yeah, I could stay like this forever…"
Based on a drawing by CosmosoGurl (which can be found here: http://cosmosogurl.deviantart.com/art/A-Game-Of-Twister-406346194) , I decided that I should try my own take on an Equestria Girls sleepover idea. I'll be quite honest, I'm not sure what girls do at sleepovers in reality, although TV stereotypes would have you believe they paint their nails and stare blankly into magazines until 4 in the morning when they eventually crash off to sleep after a manicure.
Last time I went to a sleepover (which was when I was about 15), we played GTA 3 until about 2am, then somehow found ourselves gawking at some not very good freeview porn until I declared that it was rubbish, and suggested we turned in for the night.
That was such a long time ago… :S
Once again I've been experimenting with fashion designs, even though I'm not naturally a fashion designer type. Perhaps my career will be taking a strange new turn in the near future… :P