Spike pulled his arm back and regained his thought process. While he had been musing to himself about finding more dragons, he just happened to come across one. While it was unlikely that particular dragon would join him on an impromptu mission, considering he seemed to be hard at work breaking rocks, Spike wasnt about to pass up an opportunity to talk with more dragons. But what would he say? May as well keep it simple.
"Hey!" Spike greeted the dragon picking out gems from the rubble. "I thought I heard a rock slide come from here, but I guess it was just you!" Spike thought a small complement would be a good ice breaker. "Nice day to break rocks isnt it?"
The brown dragon looked over his shoulder at the two. His scowled and pointed an accusing finger in their direction.
"Looks like you finally decided to show your thieving face around these parts again," he said almost with an angry growl slowly approaching the pair.
"Auhhh" Spike slowly backed away from the much stronger dragon. He began regretting his decision to approach the dragon, thinking that perhaps Sharp was an exception to the dragon rule. He looked over at Sharp for some kind of explanation or contingency plan.
Sharp was shying away from the dragon as well, with a sheepish grin and a guilty look on his face.
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