My Little Pony: Friendship is messing it up! xD
I'm not sure how many schools do this anymore, but back when I was in my younger years we always had a Build an Elastic Band powered Fan competition, where each contender would be racing against each other to build a fan powered by using an elastic band, a spool and a pair of plastic blades. :)
Complicated stuff I can tell, as these girls appear to be having a spot of bother:
- Pinkie Pie is plainly mesmerized by the stretchy red band that she holds before her Confused
- Twilight, as expected, has her nose firmly planted in a book Reading
- Applejack has chose to ignore keeping things simple and has gone for the over-engineering maneuver, of building an industrial fan instead :engineer+dispenser:
- Rarity, well she's being smothered Fire Extinguisher
- Fluttershy is panicking :panic:
- And Rainbow Dash is being mischievous… :naughty: — dxd
All in all I think it's going extremely well for them and I believe the plan was to display their completed fans on the wooden desk in the Gym…
…which has just burnt down…