The five dragons ran their way out of a collapsing tunnel through the only path that was before them. Boulders were falling, dust was being kicked up, good thing it was a straight path with a slight incline.
"Well he did tell us to run" Snort commented.
"What kind of warning is that!?" Sharp yelled.
"I dont think he realized how much would collapse, maybe he just thought it would just be that first tun-," Snort suggested before being cut off.
"Stop trying to reason his action!" Sharp yelled at him.
"Just keep running, I think I can see the exit up there!" Mangle yelled pointing to the exit with an orange glow.
"Keep it up guys, dont stop!" Spike yelled, as they group made their way out of the cavernous depths they had been trapped in.
When they reached the exit they were greeted by the rising sun. They kept running and collapsed outside the collapsing entrance to the caves. The group was out of breath and exhausted, but they had a look of triumph on their face.
"We did it." Spike said with heavy breaths.
"We sure did, and lets not do it again," Sharp answered satisfied, "I hate running for my life."
"I thought running was your specialty Sharp," Magma teased, "Im more impressed with Snort," he said punching Snorts arm, "hes got some hidden speed under all that belly."
"Hey, Im not lazy, I just have a healthy appetite is all," Snort said defending himself. The group burst into laughter as they laid back catching their breaths.
"I never want to go down into a cave ever again!" Spike exclaimed. "How about you Mangle?" he asked while still lying back. He didnt hear a response, Mangle? a sudden concern came over him, he didnt get caught back there did he?
He looked back and saw Mangle kneeling before the entrance, head bowed down. "Mangleyou okay?" he asked.
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