Somepony once told me that we are all special in our own ways. I don't think being a flightless pegasus is what they were talking about. Since the day I was born the doctors said I would never fly, and its something hard to absorb. Telling a pegasus that they can't fly is like telling a fish not to swim, doesn't make sense. For years I looked up at the sky with tears in my eyes, wondering what it was like to taste the sweet air above the clouds.
I never would have thought about it like this, but it wasn't about my bad wing…I had to find a new pair of wings. Little did I know they were made of steel, and powered by a 1,700 HP engine.
After finding this beautiful machine intact in a field, weathered with time, I decided to set up shop where she lay, and after almost 2 years of scavenging parts I finally got this bird into the air. The first few test flights were a little…bumpy but its like riding- or should I say flying a bike,(that's 5,800 pounds) it comes naturally! Fuel is cheap and easy to come by, she runs on almost anything alcoholic, and ammo can be made with some scrap metal and powder.
Some pegasi may be able to fly faster, and with more agility, but how many pegasi can carry two 20mm cannons, two .50 caliber machineguns, and 1,300 rounds of ammunition? Right.
After being in the cockpit I realized, that somepony was right. I am special, I may not be able to do magic, or fly on my own, but putting much hard work and effort to achieve my dreams of light is an incredible feeling.
Now that I know flight, I forever walk the earth with my eyes skyward, wishing I could never touch the ground again.