"JITTE!" Kitoith yelled into the adjacent caveroom, which Spike assumed would be the kitchen.
"Yes?" replied a purple dragon with an afro in a song-song voice. He stuck his head out of the entryway, carrying a large barrel of gems, and noticed the group of dragons. "Oh, we have guests, I see, let me guess, I need to whip up a feast?" he asked sassily.
"Oh, can it," Kitoith chastised him, "Like you need an excuse to show off your cooked gem recipes."
"Well I do have some dishes already being made, I guess letting them be sampled by the guests wont mean I have to eat them myself" Jitte said coyly.
"You can cook gems?" Snort asked in awe.
"Its a bit excessive" Kitoith remarked.
"Excessive!" Jitte gasped dramatically, "Its the only way to truly appreciate the extensive flavors that the gems have hidden away. If you dont believe me, Ill just have to show you, he shooed the ivory and green dragon out of the kitchen.
"Lets leave him to work his magic," Kitoith nudged Snort as they went to sit down at the dining hall table slab.
"As Jitte prepares the feast perhaps you could go into more detail of your encounter?" Kitoith asked the group of dragons.
Kitoith listened intently as Spike recounted his journey. How he originally set off for the Southern Dragon Ridge to possibly learn more about dragons, not knowing much being raised in Equestrian society and not Draconian society. How he met with a fleeing dragon and learned about the rumors of others missing. How he naively set out onto a quest to help them, despite absolutely no knowledge of the circumstances. How he was confronted by a magic wielding diamond dog, and the ensuing confrontation that dropped them far underground to find more dragons affected by the disappearances. How they came across a working mine, and witnessed firsthand the enslavement of dragons by the diamond dogs. How they narrowly escaped from the mines with the help of other trapped dragons to deliver this message, bringing them to the present.
"The diamond dog was performing magic?" Kitoith asked confused, "I didnt know diamond dogs were capable of magic, or this level of organization."
"Its true, there was green glow-y spells, and he summoned demons or something, and thats probably how the dragons were so easily subdued." Spike reasoned, If a lone diamond dog could produce numerous attackers, then dragons — no matter how large and powerful — could be worn down due to fatigue.
"And you were restrained by enchanted shackles?" Kitoith asked.
"Yeah, I was in them for longer than these guys were," Mangle chimed in, "It was like my energy was being sapped the longer I was chained. Enough so that we couldnt fight back, but not enough that they couldnt get us to do their dirty work.
"Dont forget about that foreman diamond dog," Sharp added, "He was unusually strong, and his enchanted chains also had that draining effect."
"By the way you describe it," Kitoith commented, "Its as if you shouldnt have been able to get out of there."
"Its all thanks to Spike here," Snort said pointing at Spike, "His fire breath is something else, its like it just blew away the magic from the shackles and cages, leaving it as just some low quality brittle metal."
"Fire breath, Spike?" Kitoith asked intently, still piecing together the story.
"Now that you mention it Snort," Magma said, "His fire breath was also what allowed me to finally beat those demon dogs. Whats up with you, Spike?
"I dont know," Spike said dejected, "That was part of the reason I came on this journey in the first place, I was hoping some dragon could tell me more about where I came from, who I am."
"Well, you seem just like every other earth dragon," Sharp commented, "You dont have wings, so youre an earth dragon, thats why youre stronger and have more endurance, while we flying dragons are quicker and can fly."
Kitoith looked in on the conversation with concern. "Thats not entirely true," she said, "Spike, you were raised in Equestria correct?"
Spike nodded.
"Well, as there are a variety of types of ponies, Earth, Pegasi, and Unicorns for example," Kitoith explained, "Dragons also have a variety of subtypes, similarly Earth, Flight, and Magic."
"There are other types than just flying and earth?!" Mangle exclaimed.
"And Spike is a magic dragon?" Sharp asked.
"It would seem so," Kitoith nodded, "We magic dragons are few in number, and are often assumed to be purely earth dragons, as there is no physical sign that one is a magic dragon."
Spike lit up at the revelation, Cool! he exclaimed. "So youre a magic dragon too? Can I do magic spells? I have so many questions!" Spike could hardly keep his excitement under control now that he found a lead as to help him understand his dragon side more.
Kitoith smiled gently, All in good time, but it seems that the meal is finally done, she pointed to Jitte who had begun bringing out dish after dish of constructed gem-based foods he had come up with.
"You sure you made enough?" Kitoith teased Jitte after seeing the empty table slab suddenly become overflowing, It wasnt too much trouble was it?
"Pfft," Jitte scoffed, "This small party was a breeze." He stood proud of his efforts. "I wasnt sure what youd like, so I just made a bit of everything a young dragon would enjoy eating. Just to name a few; Diamond crusted burgers, Ruby topped pizza with gem shavings, gold flaked nachos, hot dogs with emerald relish, rose quarts sushi, charcoal grilled steaks, a raw fire ruby gem which I can never get anyone to eat since its particularly spicy, sweet sapphire gem cake, brownies with malachite bits, topaz pie, and amethyst flavored drink to wash it all down with.
The dragons could only look in awe at the smorgasboard laid before their very eyes. "Well, just staring at it wont get it in your bellies, dig in!" Kitoith laughed. The dragons immediately dug in, manners firmly out the window. Not like dragons had manners, but Spikes manners were nonexistent as he and his friends began grabbing whatever was in reach and stuffing it in their mouths.
"Dude, this stuff is amazing," Snort said, munching away with teary eyes, "Youve really balanced the flavors, and paired off the gems with dishes that only further highlight the natural flavors."
"Ah, another gem connoisseur," Jitte remarked, "finally someone sees the genius of my creations."
"Whatever you say," Kitoith said with a full mouth, "it tastes good, and thats good enough for me. Did you make some stuff for the others?
"What kind of chef dragon would I be if I didnt take care of all the dragons in the mountain?" Jitte replied, I made Finos, Litos, and Ymon all their favorite dishes.
"Thats not all of them," Kitoith asked accusingly.
"WellI think the last guest will be joining us shortly, not like he can resist the aroma of my cooked gem meals," Jitte said slyly.
Spike looked up at Jitte with a full mouth, Mmph?
Just outside the dining hall there were steps running towards the door. They didnt sound like they were made by a dragon of Kitoith or Jittes size, when a voice that started off quiet, grew louder as it came into hearing range.
"Did Jitte make Topaz Pie again? I love that stuff! I could smell it all the way from my cave! Please tell me that theres still some left-, and just as he finished that though he appeared in the doorway. "He" was another dragon, but more like the Spike and the gangs age. He was Ivory scaled with a grayish blue belly scale, three yellow horns and a blond hair. He looked a lot like Kitoith, Spike noticed.
And the white teen dragon noticed that there were quite a lot of dragons in the dining hall, far more than he was expecting, and all of their attention was focused on him.
"Barius!" Kitoith greeted the frozen dragon in the doorway. How nice of you to join us, come have a seat, theres plenty of food to go around. She said gesturing to the empty seat by Snort.
Barius just nervously stood frozen in the door way, as if internally conflicted with getting the pie, or getting out of there.
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