Welcome to Taek answers! Now you can ask all you want to know about the amazing me! Let me see Ask to… Froz… Froz… Froz… Froz… Asynjur… Froz… Ha, there's one for me! Taek, why Froz is so wonderful and beautiful?
Are you serious?! Believe me, she isnt so wonderful, and I'm gonna prove it! Look at her! Since his birthday she has passed "playing" with the salami! That's not the behavior of an educated fillie … And that plushie is suspect! Admit it! _ * More tea Mrs. Salami … Ho! Mr. Nott, of course I didnt forget about you …
Of course Champion! We love you more than Froz…! Or maybe not…
Upvotes at import: 8 | Stars at import: 4 Posted previously at: 2014-05-03T19:34:18 | Posted previously by: taekwon-magic
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